

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Defect Humans - the crafty, self-deceptionist, internal enemy

—  unlike the visible sheeple roaches, these ones do it far better.  their visual close proximity and calculative abilities boost their camouflager abilities greatly
—  these invisible enemies sabotage in everyway from within
—  while claiming that themselves are a fellow friendly, they spend a large portion of their freed-up time in distancing our fellow guys apart, trying every thing they can and been persistently actively doing so.  

—  is there, and would there be an end to their ugliness lifestyle?
—  the way in which they continue to push it will one day bring out panic equalvalent to nuclear attacks (not that telling them would pause their madness spree of hate anyways)
—  moreover, the signs of their true nature occasionally slip-up.  The result of their pushes have become quite vivid.  If it is foulness these defect unfit humans' intent and what every action of theirs revolves around, then it shall be a great war soon to come

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