

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Failure Males = #1 Enemy of Reich

      During a time motherland asks for help, these video game playing little so innocent and just-gentle males goes around hiding.  Not only could they not be found in any activism protestors or demonstrations, their effort are entirely missing across all mediums and playing fields.
     While they sure do spend their "precious" time critisizing some harmless lad who is showing signs of a musculine fellow.  Their pattern of record of actions make one think if their slight science enthusiasm are entirely to another purpose, while the fact regurgitation and competitiveness are largely from a different objective and not the same version as a true Reichstag member.
    At the very time where courage is much needed, none comes from these soggish little geeky freakish males' end.  While they sure lah-di-dah keeps a fine cover of an innocent, one that is contributing to society and in favor of all things legitimate and strong.  Even their hijacked mothers and sisters, gfs and wives do more of a chilvary part than they do.  
   The great German philosophy Adolf Hitler is right: "one cannot expect a hyena to ever assist righteous purposes, for a hyena revolves all actions around its hyena aim - if an opporunity comes, it will exploit it, while all its actions may resemble that of a good person, the underlaying background tone makes it different in everyway".  
   I agree with Hitler there, and would also like to add mine: essence is where it counts, the alligence of one's soul.  It would not be out of my surprise if one day a chance to label our guys as criminals and sadistic killers come in place, these failure males would immediately use it in everyway doing the same hyena-roachy-sweat-damp-ab-less-soft-passive-aggresion style as before taking great use of this "opportunity" striking at us.  I also can anticipate how these failure cancerous geeky-nerdastic imposter-specialist doctor-of-camouflage-and-two-faced-ness males would wonderfully disguise self as a fellow Aryan once our party returns (comes in) to power - exercising their way of survival.  Unlike living creatures, persuit of happiness is our purpose, the struggle out of this eternal drain of worshipping a hollow concept called survival is theirs.  It's death these geeky-nertastic failure defect males wanna avoid, never for genuine purposes.

 This world needs Hitler more than ever before.
Heil Hitler.

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