

Monday 11 August 2014

Words of New World Order

And quite a couple additional ones:
•  we shall make the entire population forget about martial arts
•  we shall slowly distant them away from traditions and local heritages
•  phDs and master degrees are to set to be long in length and involve unreasonable tedious work so the ones most committed to ego would be left in the race
•  every cult learning centre are to be named with and be presented in western-culture and western geography names, such as st.andrews, st.george, denvers, wales, ohio nations and so on
•  for newly conquered territories, all of its colleges are to be named in accordance of local public acceptance - example, Lyon city college would have Lyon Community College as its name.  We go for fit names, and definately not our names, though it is us that is in control, at the very top
•  it's important for us to operate on perfect seemless level of performance, never mention the word (likes of which like) cult, while at sametime combo-ed with vigurous repeatitions spammed across our medias again also taken in same naming methods  to divert attention onto areas distance from deep inquiry and skeptical attitudes/mentality and such
•  last but not least for this session, we can't promise everything will go in perfect, we achieved this level through pure chances, and us being gamblers, risk-takers, we will take this big gamble - it's  double or nothing,  let us just do it,  I'm loving it.  We also can't be certain of how events would unfold after our 1st generation of leader dies.  Some things are not in our control, perfect monitor is needed.  There may be this chance of things malfunctioning and taking its own direction on its own or by light tamperment that create snowball.  Foresight aside, the next step will lead us closer to the possibility of global domination, we shall enslave all of mankind, we shall wage war from country to country, we shall replace kings and emperors, we shall create an one world empire.

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