

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Couple Things to Say (thin writings below)

I been cracking the code for years, 
hoping to get something each time,
and I do get some returns every tries.
Hopefully I will receive a holy grail for this,
I've got quite a few (of those) already.
Yea, it's fun stuff. I believe it's my obligation to unlock all mysteries
and secrets.  I believe I can do it, how about you
Benny?  See Benny the tiger nods, Benny agrees.

Monogamy is killing families, killing
society, and killing everybody.
It's a source, a hidden source (of anquish, misery, fuss, etc.)
though surely I too wish there were no
trouble.  But u know, as Sun Tzu has once
said: sog them and take them, if there
is a problem, (so) I will be glad to solve it
with my comrades.

This monogamy thing hides itself under tangible things,
the visuals.  It's an unhealthy process, a vile habit,
a false notion, and corruptory essence, it does not belong.
It seperates families, the most fundamental
unit of a nation - the bigger family.  
It naturally generates mistrust, fragmentation,
distances amongst otherwise great allies and friends.

Kings, designers, painters, architects, warriors 
bear the culture of the group called civilizations,
and exclusively they hold these roles.

The King represents law, the King is law itself in living (visual) manifestation.
Without the King, there is no law, in reality.
Where as with the sheeples, there would be unlaw, at always.
Sheeples will use a contaminated/altercit version of law, which looks like 
true law, so on visual side looks the same, but functions differently,
to complete more of its terror.
Sheeple today has a major formiddable force/power at global stage.
Sheeples have got many govs controlled.
They would call it peace when everybody is underpowered except they are.
A complete different class of humans whose only mission is purposeless knee-jerk reaction emotional-satisfaction.
Sheeples differ to samurais greatly, which combined  these two a very polar opposite pair there.
Since sheeples belong to categories of sheeple category (a name awaiting naming idea contest), a sub-division of passive-aggressivist, it relies on mouth, will blend in first, use appearance of friendly, it will always tend to go friendly appearance (as same with all deceiver humans (by the way, it's criminal and illness at same time for a human to do this, it's ok for reptiles or insects, not right for mammal creatures, in a mammal world) pretend friendly is essence of deception and so is deception the essence of pretend friendly, here, I do wanna point out: the word deception itself is already a deception, how did it get in the vocabulary lister called the dictionary, and it's written by who, I am curious about that, will investigate), sabotage through within the classification borders, through indecent ways and through its "friendship".  We could expect from there that by the time everybody else is heavily deprived, nature and the whole streets ruined, they will still be saying world has become more peaceful and similar such, aye!

(some parts above, recommend read in George S Trush's voice)

(condensed/compacted juice packet above, may be 
slight over-enriched/acidic in taste for some.  visitor can
add water or any other substance which also bloat up
the density/concentration value of these writings)

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