

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

On Zerg Strategies and Future Prospects of Mankind

yes indeed, you are right, General,  taking down Zergery means much closer to recapture the throne

The zergs (the scourage) cannot be defeated from the front, nor from the behind,  but from the below, yes indeed that's true, I agrees. Or, towards the side, coming from the side


Question comes down to, is everything a lie, an advertisement, or a propaganda or a version(s) of such sort?  This has gotta be one of the best question to ask - of this century potentially

Football (American football, so called) is largely a Roothenchild doing (manipulated thing, act, whatnot) designed for.. well, dark purposes - includes: to contruct and spread a falseling and weaker definition of musculinity and man; to stigmatize certain feelings; to alter definition of many life aspects and such; to debase the integrity and stability of normal social structure and such and nearbys. (so ta speaks)

Indeed, for every comrades out there, so to speaks, we should be keeping in mind that them witch doctors are highly skilled and expertised, so to speak - they surely have read many books, been taught in that specialization field, that particular genres, with lots of tomes they've got there in their secret staches, yes sorta speaks.

All phenomenoms, "glitches of the matrix" observed, picked-up or felt and so on can be explained by the podium I plan to write - it's not completed yet. And before so, there can be some effective-enough substitue, yes. The slogan "for my country" summarizes it well, a fitting one for that role~  Yes, indeed, that'd be true -- like how a bark signifies the conditions of the dog, and also implies so much meaning. Like eagle howl or bear grunts as well - if done perfectly, can represent an entire set of ideals/idealogies. They are the simple banners (or flags) (found) in nature, of ancient lifestyles, so ta speaks.

Thanks to them, due to their presence, their start, their shadow-glue-(goo)influence, now we are having this font war basically, inbetween ads, between companies, amongst population, and in circlement of nodes of companies, governments, customers, and businesses, (kinda, sorta). This, phenomenom can be quite observed, for anybody that sits down and does something for long duration (newspaper readers, magazine, tv watchers too even, folks with jobs in offices, ones that use computer quite a lot, folks that go on Internet, yeah, and such)

These terms have much to do with Dominionlism citadel, they did not arrive to the English vocabulary until much later (post 1890s):
- lawyer
- taxation forms

Notice how much of the policies are so redunt and dry, for me, to me, something of based off of unhappiness, no matter how skilled or may require certain ability levels cannot be regarded as valid and favorable - disqualifistic from above level worthy - no allowance for such "beings" on the higharchy (high) above ground level side

Take the processes needed, and the "information" they give for starting a convenience store - the process itself is mentioned in excessive and redundant manner - what actual helpful government would bother with a poor version/quality of info guide

(to be finished later, I believe it's not completed, or fully completed yet - added via date Feb 11, 2014 evening (late night) )  (I've decided to post anyways since it's better to, overall,  yah) (and taking review and try to polish would take, much, dur, costing, dur,  yeah)

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