

Thursday 26 June 2014

A New Piece


         It had always been the responsibility of the alpha male of each group to share his point of view with the whole colony.  This practice is known as [no name] pretty much so since day 1, for it was something taken granted.  Until the recent hundred years ago, this tradition had an stream line of contunuity.  And for those with great preception skills too, it's his responsibility to naturally arise and share with the group.  This spirit of volunteering, the spirit of working for the colony as part of this whole is a human spirit, and ones without it cannot be regarded as a normalty for it lack the functionality to be one anyways


      These mass peasants are very aggresive actually, talking seemingly "plain" active like this - volumn loudly and such, seemingly surely quite harmless and no foul intent behind it right.  Well, they are beefing with police protection.

      They are gonna chip us away by doing this, sitting idle-ly by not helping, and pose as "didn't see" or totally aggresively ignores us, when no one else is looking, mask switches off all of a sudden when asked.

      Oh yes, they are this dysfunction, as mentioned.  Once we overcome this blockade wall of disbelief, next step can happen

      Believe it, such dysformed, abnormal humans that exist in mass numbers is possible.  See how they treat the homeless?  Yeah I've seen enough in this cess pit known as America.  Plus, humanoid forms in general had never impresed me in their moral aspect.  After all, they are monkeys with lesser senses and an abnormally shaped size of brain anyways,  in general.

      Most of these elected peasants' actual greatest fear is not their punishment (they not fear it that greatly much in fact), but the arrive of lions being the judges, taking citizenship prestiege/treatment and seats in the society.  For with the coming of the lions, their doomsday is sealed in, and would naturally come inevitablely, at pretty soon level.  They also fear the lions due to how their evil defence mechanisms, trickeries and mind manipulation tactics are such as fully toned towards us, the better, and true humans.  Needless to say, with coming of lions, most of them's manipulation would fail miserablely, combined with the extraordinary legendary preception abilities of the lionsteins, they would become definately doomed.



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