

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Philosophies - Report to Prime Minister

       Well, I assure you, Mr. Prime Minister that these peasants would not protest. This does not come from the effectiveness of our intricate brainwash plot as we would like to believe, but rather from how these chickens is quite satisfied in actuality with their current circumstance and life conditions.  Though a minor brained organism may make mistakes and tons of error at building a computer or flyinga n airplane, at basic judgements they are not far from us if not slightly above in that aspect.
       These reasons in the report I think reveals the reality a bit better:
— just like a chicken, these untalented chicken type of humans would not seek to fly away from the chicken coup
— in addition, if offered the choice of "freedom", they would actually soon return back to their prison cell
— the condition of a seemingly jail for them is quite nice.  If we examine further we may be seeing that as long as they are not in poverty, and having houses, which they currently do, they would be satisfied, fairly satisfied, and they are
— so then of course they would not protest or rebel against your control, prime minister, just like how without a lock even the chickens would remain in the coup.  With the absence of lock, nothing would change - they would not flock free.  The ones do flock free immediately by next morning are phoenix, turkeys and any non-chicken inmates
— in much similar words, prime minister, to control them under current conditions and government socialatrical treatment towards them would be exactly like having 5 layers of lock on the chicken coup - are much unnecessary necessities 

       There exist no need to lock up the chickens, they won't flock away from the system anyways.  The ones that are protesting have not been angry chickens or the chicken woken up, but phoenixes somehow still to this day probably misinterpreted, false categorized as chicken that are not under your mind control, prime minister.
        And I mean, let's think about it, mister prime minister, if a chicken is given a gym facilities, a fast food restaurant, a shopping mall, a park, a nice house, with 24/7 planned out life and governmentCare for them, would they honestly protest?  For as long as these chicken humanoids are not in severe poverty, in those slums with no electricity, no plumpings, no fresh water source, little upset would be expected out of them
        So you can see from all of this now, isn't it, Prime Minister, that the whole system have only been effectively mistreating on a select few, which are the phoenixes pretty much metaphorically drowned by the mass chickens whom are such masters of psychicduck and manipulators.  An entire weight of government control edicts and policies, that force and pressure lands what appears to be the whole population indeed had been stacked on a tiny area - like a giant sitting on a chair too small - ouch, we can imagine how that hurts.

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