Taking game of Baccarat as a reference:
Small Bets = $15 or $25
Mid-sized Bets = $50 to $100
Large Bets = $500
Large Bets times 10 yields a "good" level of bankroll which is: 500 X 10 = $5000
Mnimum Optimial Bankroll for this trip should be: $1000 X 10 = $10,000 or $10K
Estimated Sitting Hours: 1 hour to 3 hours, and estimated profit: $200 minimum by average, with high volatility potentially
Summary: a minimum bankroll of $5000 is something-of-should-be-required. Any amount below causes lesser gains.
Additional Tags: habit, momentum, dodging physique, ok hmmm, spotted software error, program it better, noisy, male gene, compotence, compotency, languages, english, german, tongue twister, twisted mind u mean, axe joker, 12 and 12, dozen, delusional, silly caucasoids, drowns elites along, to down, in brief, details, new wording, transfer of thoughts, language, words, denottation, representative, the meaning, and definition, unheard, not heard, war, palnning, steps, procedures, professionalism, bankroll, plans, device, decisive, reports, summary, mental patietnce, the kung fu masta, swords, shield masta, paladin en-vec, lionet, hornet, wasp, stinger, beautifulness, unjuiciness, ugly turds, baccarat game, false hood, greed, gluttonous assumption, false plane, heavy dege, USA gonna turn into nothing soon, mark this words, they don't see it, and not willing to see it, and not seeing whole picture, EACH not seeing whole picture, simutaneous, in a preception, overwatcher, overseer, spotter, sighter, detector, overlord,
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