

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Prime Minister's Points of the Day

■  They are going opposite of a natural order, while posing as with.

■  The unquenching thirst for gains is a common problem with cerebral-users, ones that reference to logic over senses, by excessive amount.  This is the #1 danger of humans, and not diseases, or poor technology or physical weakness in actuality.

■  Suppose I had not strategic manuver out of couple potential harms in my way, I would be looking real damaged right now.  This, gets little sympathy in this "nation", for those zergs, operating in a wormism-conspiracy manner, the largest gang in this place, "sympathizes" with weak, and not ones whom suffered.  For that camouflager-zergetry-bigottistic behavior, there will be much consequences for them, of at severe amount.

■  Spectators cannot credit my own good lookingness as due to my well-treatment, for had I not strategic manuver out of things couple dozen times, I would be looking horriblely beaten.  Why is that so little sympathy can be actually obtained from the "public" of this country when by all definition this is case of suffering - another candidate might would've gotten tragicly hurt - hmm, seems like these "public" are concerned about who is weak, and not who had suffered.

■  The largest gang, numbered in mass quantity, operates covenantly, disaligned amongst themselves when neutral times, have the largest monetary power, the largest economic presence, and the biggest credit somehow gotten, in legitimacy and past contributions, for who they are especially.  It'd be playing under their control, into their zergetry mass tumour bio amass game ranking corporations in that usual manner - major mistake to rank the largest corporation in this country as walmart or mcdonald, when by instant recall everyone knows the customer base must be the largest corporation, for walmart asks them to spend, and not the otherway around.  ding.~

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