

Sunday 22 June 2014

Primal Source of Hunger; Primal Enemy of Humanity

- little sheeple mass tumour growth awesome bio wastes pick up these identifiers, goes activiates their sheeple passive aggresive tactics again, for serving their endless consumer needs
- sheeple detects wolf, sheeple activates its evil sadistic mental problem defence mechanism
- I believe it is quite explainable how come their abilities in anything is of utter mediocre-ness: le due to their mental-ness (much like how someone inproficient at juggling probably done something bad; is vile type; or is a mental defect)

- this is the place sheeples scream so loud, generating a big deal though it's a million thank yous they owe us!  Pigs and cows would be having civil rights more than they do by natural order a million thousand times, aye

- just like the sheepleroaches, those that assist, compounds, adds additions to this current anti-nature, anti-progress, anti-prosperity impostery order is effectively a terrorist entity, and will be dealt as such without their approval or agreements.

- it's a cess pit, once was, but no longer a society, not a tad bit close, where the crowd rules everyone, fully mind control the mind controllers through the "I am weak" "I am innocent" fake b!tch strand actings and all.  One day, they will be completely wiped out, throughly, as they should be - for we understand crisp and clear: its their existence that's the problem, and not their anything else, the wealth comparison, the scores difference, the gains or losses we earned - it's solely their existence that's the critical entrance, to freedom, to prosperity, and to embrace.


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