

Friday 20 June 2014

On Cancerous Failure Males


- the cancer gives no second thought, as it always does
- has no time for second thought, and it doens't do so for itself
- normal for cancer not caring about the nation
- these sheepleroach amass failure males even dare to call some of our guys as if inlegitimate and full invalids, when they are loved by every group around the world if we check

- the cancer relentlessly charge around, with no-second-thought, does not seem to see the vacant that allows them to do this fuss and get away is representation/hint of something truly disbelieving - the absolute devestation of truth and regular motions; the void of a natural order
- these cancer failure male entities in other words operate as if they are last virus of their own kind on the planet and everyone is miles ahead; as if the nobility class still exist; as if fairness is really up there
- failure male is failure male, until they are cleaned out, there will continue to be social problems, the actual prime source of fuss is perhaps these injectionist/camouflagist/zergetry/defect/cheat-pill-user-fiendish crypt types of humanoids
(cheat pill is often regarded as "medicine")

- come from monogamy
- virus-behavior
- hastedly play legit, while completely irresponsible in any duty of a real member of the society
- were not born, but brooded
- and were not raised, but raised by nannystate concentration camp programs


Additional Tags: defect huanoid, dege, injectionist male,  yep, transpoted to here, due to tag section full,  |ok them transpoted more, yep,  defects, illness, broodling, 

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