

Saturday 21 June 2014

World Cup

   Tonight's meeting, we'd like to share with you, Goldberg, the precise objectives of this new extravagant ordeal we've able to found
- excess nationalism shall be promoted through seemingly randomly chosen procedures, for example: singing of national anthem before every match.  This is further enhanced by again seemingly randomly chosen custom and standard of practice such as paying solemn attention to that, enforcing the rule that all participants, the audience, referee, coach and all the players be standing still awaiting patiently until the song of respective anthem is over
- this promotion of nationalism will do good at duping the population of both intellectual and dimwitted types to foolishly assume governments is the run the way taught in schools and taught in our news networks - the pre-installation of false ideas are fortified through this mean
- it's important to announce the name of these nations and place subtle posing-as-accidental-nothing-too-intended emphasize on them, and prefered with best timing choice too - there shall be loops of these mentionings, a loop that changes every few times, so as to not seem like a loop, while functions does not change from a real loop (no different)
- what is in reality provinces if not colonies of our organization is posed as nations, as if they are still alive, and how they used to be, as well as wished were through this clever spamming of these names, which are now much hollow than ever before - like an infested centre-ate-up tree; just has the shell
- installation of these nonexistent borders and nations, and these governments and local identities plus the later reinforcement of these wrongs help us in creating a collosal depotism global organization, one of which never seen in course of human's history.  We hope to see this new world dream one day come in order soon

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