

Monday 16 June 2014

Documented: Sheepleroach's Traits


══ the sheepleroaches may not know how to get things done, but they may very be masters at pretending they do know, which in turn results in seeming as if they also can get things done  
══ sheepleroach peasants are willing to very much risk their own life and those of others nearbies just for the sake of looking like they can make decisions
══ ^ car accidents is one perfect example - they'd rather hit and die than to be seen as if they are utterly incompotent for today's standards - they wanna look like they can drive, and are willing to risk a chance for it.  Yes, aye, themselves do realize - it's more beneficial to do this  (or do they  =p)
══ sheepleroaches are psychic masters - after all, how else could one with utter incapabilities manage to stay onto state's favor for this long - gotta be camouflager experts at the least if not veterans in that field
══ like any other willful camouflagers, whom has all their determination placed on camouflaging and doing more camouflaging - any opportunity for such exercises of those strands of abilities spotted would call for their immediate participation - they would not let any exploitable holes go, even if much crossing moral boundary
══ the better of the sheepleroach do light psychic, and do not respect authority, while the stupidendous ones make major strategic mistakes, which spoils the whole game for the entire zergetry sheeple clan

══ a sheepleroach may harm somebody to tremendous amount, as long as the other objectives can be achieved, they are willing for this "trade-off" - for example, dissing someone with names to point of torture, but also sub-conciously, as they think would go un-detected, making themselves look like very potent decision makers and are capable in mind power and situation reactiveness, and such similars

══ sheepleroaches are naturally good at duck-psychic powers.  They do not have to be taught.  Some experiences and sightseeing that activates those natural-born abilities is enough to bring about their mastery to potent-enough levels.  In a way, one could say these sheeple strands inherited those abilities from their parents, as their parents' mindset had certainly contained thoughts like "do these trickeries, it works, it gives so sweet, much benefit, good way of survive, ahh ya"

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