

Saturday 9 August 2014

Explanations for Some Humans' Absurd Level of Weakness

(note: by 'weak' in this article/post, it means lack in physical strength,  and not so much so incompotence in area of bravery or spiritual endurance and such)

Here are the truths:
someone with abnormal level of physical softness is 9 out of 10 times a humanoid (person) that is a soft-kill or passive aggresive hitter
the entry holes for any investigation that would yield these freaks' true nature exposed have dismissive or leading-else-where signs stacked on top of another  put there, guess from who
yes, the physical weakness and softness of some humans are of surprising absurd levels.  Sight of this to many folks are shocking, they ask the questions: are they humans, how is this anatomy-wise possible.  The truth to that is something other than what those ones tell us with a mimikery smile - the truth regard this matter is that these are camouflager, manipulation, soft-aggro specialist type of humans!  That's why for the absurd, beyond-reasonable, showtion of natural weakness.

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