

Thursday 7 August 2014

__〓__ - ★ - On Weak, and Failure Male - ★ - __〓__

Couple Keypoints about the 'Weaks' and the Failure Males:

- supporting the weak, would be like storaging and keeping burdens.  Some of the weaks in Virim (aka America) are so expertised in their lazying talents that the staying in the same weakling life has become their eternal aim - they dream of it, and want to permanently stay in the same foul route, thinking it's fine and nothing wrong (it's a great example showing how 'vile' is implied in the word weak)

- geeks count as half-viles.  Had they not been the ones gave so much indirect support to the citadel establishment, with their cheap electronic prices, faulty strategy decisions, vulgar incorrect moves?  Suppose all companies immediately took one after the other after initial signal ring posting revolution messages, the establishment would've been thown long ago,  the question is not the strength of citadel, but the reality that the promised number of real humans, real supporters of righteous motions is simply not there

- so with the geeks added to the list of terror-entities alongst the weak as already mentioned previously, is there a 3rd one.  Yes, I would like to mention the none other than: irresponsible scoudel failure males.  Their behavior has literally been shifted to that of a virus-like algorithm.  They take zero responsibility of being a father, plays negligence, dumps blame and burden to innocents and the society, seeks the action of mating, a word sounding same as ours, but differs greatly in essence.  Our guys take quality control, these virus-like algorithmed failure males has got the responsibility part totally missing, and made up room for the "getting landing zone" part solely - quality control on their end is totally missing.   Come to think of it all, perhaps it woulda been even ok for some of our guys to be a lil careless, for a greater number of our defects or lesser quality would even be better than the best out of those scoudel-virus-like failure males.

- giving weak any support would be like keeping problems, if society wants to get ahead, opposite of that would be the #1 recommended
- geeks are not one of ours, though they do do clever camouflaging, they are not up to the task we handling, and they not qualify as real capable well-rounded humans (real humans, for short)
- geeks have donated much to the citadel establishment, every decision of theirs had nearly been stupid
- failure males are terror entities, somehow there exists this rampant number of virus-like males, (and the trend seems to be in their favor; they don't seem to be diminishing but growing rather), who takes no responsibility, all does is to aim for getting mating complete, the children of result of that is instead of birth a broodling whom will repeat the same virus-like algorithm as its alien "father"
-unfitness of all kind is no excuses.  Medicine in reality is cheat pills,  he who relies on medicine should accept the invalidity of self and the harshness of nature, rather than dodging and attempting to overwrite natural order, if not already done so

Additional Tags: |the unbeauties, poor health ones,  tag section transport,  moonwell, wisdom, withdrawn,  balance,  muscule movement,  birth defect, mammal, birth defect occur at 1% of all birth by minimum (talking about severe ones, and obvious by sight ones here),  the rate is porportional to quality of mother,  "quality", an abbreviated word there,  much meanings and details condensed, compact packaged into one word,  anywho,  geekies, sick males,  that hide well,  distinquish between, legit ones, and inlegit ones that covered self to be legit real well,  can be common in this current situation,  they may exploit ever most dismoral opportunity given by the citadel policies  they could get,  ask princess diana what she would do,  dancers, music,  sports skills,   slime-natured, acidic,

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