

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Road to Megasoaring-Riches: Operation Two Dollar

In brief, here are the steps:
  Step one: follow this manual carefully
  Step two: gentlely place this laptop at 31 degree angle to horizontal axis of earth
  Step three: take four steps forward, five steps back, taken no shorter than 3 seconds in total duration and no longer than 55 seconds
  Step four: ignore the above 3 steps
  Step five: laugh out loud at what I just did
  Step six: ok split the nation into 2 parts on intention, we say it's independence; a split
  Step seven: walk up to a major military conflict
  Step eight: one side introduce martial law, print their new currency like mad
  Step nine: the smaller country gets defeated, other side wins, civilains loses, every government wins, from the mass gold plundered, business robbed, vault stolen
  Step ten: transport headquarter to oversea place, if things in the original country are still fun, stay half, otherwise could completely abandon since it's dry without nutrients no more
  Step eleven: rinse and repeat

—  media arm can do fine job thanks to availablility of internet and mass celluar communications, plus cable HD TV.  Have a dizzying scroller at the bottom (marquee, it's called), a dealer looking news talker, hire some traitor of humanity as journalists, pay all the staffs loads of money, eye-blaring headlines, facts bombarded after facts, video reels shown in quick succession with just enough duration for peak and show of proof while absolute none for insightful thinking and opinion formulating, combined with emotions-arising elements and other logical thinking cloggers, all will fall to our very advanced news stories, including some of the supposedly best minds
— for example: media will have headline with that intent, in that underlying concept, orbitting around the objectives and its fundamentalis principles, like: Red Baron Militants Declares Independence.  Video title be in red background, white font, video reel purposely reduced in pixel clarity, we cut to the right segments to be showing, carefully selected - segment where it's loud shouting and messy camera work.  We run dealer (aka news anchor)'s scripted words overhead in louder than cafe setting volumn, spoke in that tone, in that gesture/style, along the video playing.  Then the news anchor invites some "experts and 3rd party opinions", slowly but surely work up to the final exchanges which will induce the public opinion as wanted and pre-mediated that Red Baron militants are not funded by us, and other ones.
—  through clever usage of disinformation, the expertise in staffing semi-talents and persuasive people, corrupting them with briberies, and sheer sophistication of our high-end something-meant-for-and-familiar-to-leaders-only plans, they won't know what truly hit them even after some decades later.  Our plans are so far-sight and sophisticated that doubtfully the news anchor or operatives who we hire and get in contact with portions of the whole picture would ever realize the real picture - it is also doubt the news anchors we hire would even dare to imagine the bigger picture, ha!
—  important to setup chaos - as confusion and mess is fareground for all that's to come later on its above - the misinformations and trickeries.  It'd be, out of suggestive stance, best if there could be more militant groups - a lot more appearing, with all kinda of origins, geographic locations, "history", identification colors, and so on.  If without such lair ground, the appearance of a sudden independence would naturally draw sub-concious attention and its suspicion.  That's the essence, and that's the principle of generating fear, chaos, misinformation!  
—  mind-control are much easier when people are moody - whether overjoy or worry, anxiety, fear, unhappiness, grievance - spread fear and generate panic - let them have fewer securities, let them bond with each other less - let there be little social interactions - this way, the future doings can succeed very well-ly.  In times of great sorrow, both weather and climate waves (daily and monthly patterns), the brain sees nothing, accepts nothing, processes nothing, while all time giving the tell to all rest of its body it's up-on-task.  The brain takes vacation during emotional ups and falls.  Only very few people remain analytical during such periods.  If headlines are spoken in a manner that leads to one way hiddenly (for example in tacky words like: blue side forbids entry of cargo ships, the negative opinion is then not just stirred but also permanently installed into the memories), then the audience would be driven to that side without their own notice!  And they would somehow become followers of that idea or side fairly vigurously thereafter.
—  big misinformation in simple sounding words with space for advanced thoughts/discussion (as oppose to no-space, something like a very confined and stricted container box) said in quickish "can-u-catch-up" manner slightly  and broadcasted in social settings  tend to always work.  Big disinformations work well, and they work brilliantly.  This been proven by hundred years of history.  Actual mechanics of this goes: audience hears it, audience (attempts to process and) deciphers it, audience all simutanteously lock themselves out in this grid:  none admitting and arrive to the truth, reach efusal being the one that look like the only one don't know, though/while every person of the audience there nearly didn't really understand the news piece. (this trick doesn't work on humans who place truth over arrogance and self-inflated feeling,  not that they would be in the audience by any circumstances in the first place anyways)
—  the wealth plundered from this conflict in total could be so much that an army of 340,000 personnels and 189 airports could be maintained off on our pay check for 400 years.  Well, this post sure is a great one, one of my most proud of.  God bless my creativity and all.  This post is a great blueprint, my followers could do this (style of) plunder everywhere 

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