

Friday 8 August 2014

Sheeple Menace will be All Putrified

— words alone does insufficient work in describing the vicious violent yet senseless nature of the sheeple unrestless amass.  Those two traits of theirs combine to form a even bigger terror personality
— sheeples have managed to control many of our fellow peoples, of nearly all disciplines - farmers, engineers, programmers, urban planners, social service workers, general labor  such and so on
— sheeples have managed to turn our people into their servant somehow.  We've identified the following ways as the main ones they used: intimidation and pressure exertion on any vulnerable or exposed innocent civilains no matter the level of immoral or indecency, often taking place from elementary to high schools, sometimes all the way to college campus and then work place; utilize existing services or negative-atmosphere surroundings to spread dampening of activism from our people so that their vigilance is down, the mechanisms of this resemble that of thief pouring sleep pill to police's cup so that they have reduced chance of being engaged
— sheeples = extremists, soft-killers, radical passive-aggressivists, mind-controller, defect broods, slimey violentor, plague, disease on earth, alien invader of life, cancer,  0 honor, 0 shame, 0 integrity,  void of any decency, void of chilvary, void of attitude of sportsmanship,  pose a dangerous threat (statesmen, policy makers, fellow countrymen, beware of their seemingly weak statue - the most bitter hateful creatures always look weak)
— it's important also for me to highlight here that the sheeples use advanced anaethetics, over the years they've evolved in their slimey strand of abilities (in their own sheeple talent trees), they are not the simpleton inliterate and uninformed sheeples we dealing with in 1800th, today's sheeples are abundant in energy, more vicious tha previous generation/models, they've got their mind opened, they had stalked long period of hours on us through movies and films (their general view of the world has reached an pinnacle surprising amount for who they are thanks to those movie access they somehow managed get), their knowledge of the upper class, the nobility and tendency of normal people are a lot more than before times,  they've gotten more vicious, insincere, slimey and inhuman than ever before.  Another trait of theirs: sheeples will speak law to complete their illegal aims.  Sheeples will exploit any absurd law as they could.  Sheeples will cast self as innocent shamelessly.  Sheeples will also continue posing as weak, imcompotent, more fragile, from knowing conveinently that shame is not a loss if there would be overall advantages.
— sheeples behave like glutton pudges - posing as being a regular customer, in reality to serve their sheeple slimey softbone ends, asking submission from businesses instead.  They are mediocre for a good concealed reason.  Sheeples are eternal plague, and are forever mediocre,  a kind of humanoid no society want
— sheeples use regular humans as human shields.  Now when a military command wish to target a sheeple, it's inevitable there would be risk involved of collateral damages to our guys.  Sheeples also use regular folks as human shields for policies - each time a giving policy come out, the sheeples end up with all the benefit receivable, while every time it's an edict, the good folks take all the burden

—  our ministry again agree on a mass-scale cleansing of the demographics.  We see sheeples being/getting filetted as a great way to balance the level of hate in the playing field - it's time for us to live to the promise - fulfill the payment of hate  back to the loan-givers. 

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