It is each and every and all, also at sametime it's pairs of any combination (infinite set) within the grand category.
Infinity should technically be expressed as a chain, and not a single symbol as the current international usages.
Infinity = ...all to all in all of all on all of all to all in all...
- linked from tip to bottom, a full cycle, like a loop whose head is connected to tail very well
- infinity justifies itself, it should not be regarded as just a number, but an idea, a special symbol, a major reference entity so to speak
- infinity is on infinity
- infinity is on itself, this implies each outpick of the infinity set is also an infinity set of itself, which ultimately infinitely is linked to the infinity set, and thus it links to every other, (includes self) every single other possibility, event, combination and whatnot
- infinity is 1 and 0; 1+1; 50%+50%; 0.5 and 0.5
- infinity manages to bring out existence through its property of self-justifying. Existence actually doesn't exist, this meaning coincides with the nature of infinity - it is half up half down, half right half wrong, half truth half fiction, and half existent and half non-existent.
- Though the above may not make much sense (to some viewers), but it doens't have to, yet has to, and that, is enough proof, at least in the writer's mind.
- If the whole universe happens in the duration of a tiny infidecimal beep (supposedly the universe [is] in fact fully non-existent) - then it must have a duration, and thus, we have relativity, and with relativity, progress thus exist, and hence, existence exists, and we have all this happening.
- The word non-existent itself is much similar to the number zero - it is still a number. The true non-existence can only be thought about, and not talked about nor ever reached. Non-existent still implies existence for it takes existence for itself to be around. Zero is built on 1, and yet at the sametime 1 came from zero. Again, this shares the property of infinity. Similarity in non-existent and existent (or non-existent vs existent), non-existent layers above on existent, yet existent from the other stand point can be viewed as stemmed from non-existent. Again, we see the 0.50+0.50 = 100% property here.
- Closing remarks: The universe is infinity, and infinity explains all
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