

Friday 20 December 2013

Principles for Inner-Manner

While manner continue to proceed as a vital component of human life - a rather indicator of success in life almost - ones without manner can barely ascend into falculties or land in decent jobs (at least I wish that's how it is going at).  The world continues to reward ones with good personality over the ones with bad personality.  And only within a group of just-good-personality filled-up members does the competition of "who are very great" really come up from the old mists.

Inner-manner is also important. The usual manner we talk about are the outward type - the manner towards others, the manner that gets preceived to others.  Inner-manner is how one treats one self.  Believe it or not, a man, like every other creature with soul, is not a single entity, but a joint partnership of various components, while the soul is the guide, the ambassadar, the negotiator and the supreme leader over those components (the members of this party).  That, constitutes a human form, not so called genetics or tissues or cells - that stuff is for brag-talkers who themselves are more into their arrogance and appeals rather than investigating deeper into the reality.  Anywho, so, then, by that definition, the necessicity for inner-manner naturally arisals therefrom.  Inner-manner is how one treats himself, his other self, his other self, and another his other self.  Most of the time a legend is someone who treats himself well, talks to other components of him well - notice, how they are all very calm most of the time, and can stay really peaceful when they are sitting - the parts of him exist in unity and good bond - no conflict, no complaints from any components. Before one adventures to take on big tasks, one should have inner-peace first.  Any tumoils, inner conflicts should be abolished or neutralized before venturing into the big duties.  Isn't the great proof of this - heart problem - in reality deep down, is not a issue with heart, but more so issue with negligence of heart!  Ones who will succeed are usually determined by the time they are young adults - the way of approaching things, the personality, and their inner-manner decides who will ultimately be the great legends.  The so called skills come in later, and are stems from the basis  - of what tree of great skill can grow taller than a lesser skilled tree grown from far better basis - having better soils?

Inner-manner has more than treatment of one self and its other versions of himself.  Much more details can go further than that.  An arrogant man does not end up in actual greatness - for good reasons - arrogancy is feeding one self with illusions  - and illusions make one off-centered from the normal principles of life - thus end up not so premium or prime, where as a humble great man end up in actual greatness - for he had stood with the actuality of actuality all this time.  Here, in need of pointing out:  though it's important to be not arrogant, on the outer appearance, one can.  As long as the inner-manner is not arrogant, things will be alrighty, with disregardvouz to the outter-manner (commonly known as just "manner").

During World War V, I remember speaking to General Traitor about how to conduct diplomacy in strategic fashion: On outwardness, be arrogant, but on innerward, disregard to whatever said to them, must be not arrogant.  General Traitor and his advisors nodded, and never listened. Later they lost the war, and got exiled to Switzerland.

Something of similar saying resonates here:  contempt the enemy on looking, but  work very hard once returned to office.

Supreme Allied Commander
Glenn Yuwinston

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