

Monday 30 December 2013

Takes the right entry, not more entry

Only above the right entry, the battle of that layer, does the battle in terms of more quantity, bigger size comes into play.  And because the battle of quantity (the battle of more) comes in louder sounds and its fundation layer is already passed, does the battle of the right amount seem not so important or all that existing over t'here.

Many things are already determined the moment a child is pass age of 5.  Any accompanied guardian of the child can see that.  This principle, so to speak, is especially visible in comparison between different ethnic origins or fraction/clan ancestry.  Ancestry applies assuming the child is born, not bred.  A child come out of random drunken decisions or pure carelessness guaranteed do not match the parents' ideals nor nature all that well.  Offsprings of any multi-cellular organism (ones with lots of organ, specialization process of the most basic cells - stem cells) requires proper thinking of the parent during its earliest periods (stages). And the offspring depend heavily on the mindset and spirit of the parent at the time.  A child born with certain traits, just like organic molecules of nature, a missing carbon or an extra hydrogen atom usually means disaster, a misfit, and occurence of flaws.  The success of the child does not get determined by its ability "power", not the quantity, nor magnitude,  but more so on the traits in possession for the youngling.  Just like the property of molecules again, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, two completely different predecessors in behavior, but with the minor change, a fusion process, the altered new molecule can take on jobs no other can almost - eventually became the dominator of life itself.  Water, made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom moves fairly faster - it rises upon exposure to sunlight, and drops down once water molecules become heavy enough. Almost like a living creature, water travels, and does so without any legs or wings.

The right entry behaves exactly like multiplayers. As other true math experts know, multiplayer of 3 high numbers is a thousand times higher than multiplayer of 2 low numbers and 1 really high number.  The traits, which is the actual determinator of successful turnout chance of a child, is much similar to that - a person with the wrong approach to things, (again, it's about the right approach, not more approach), will soon fall behind. The mechanisms of both of these things are almost exactly the same, at least I would like to regard as.  And the falling of child's cause of the resultant observation, much similar to social problems or medical symptoms, cannot be easily attributed to the actual main/key cause. So, then, the origin of these results gets masked beneath layers of sand, given by time and all the noises created by other things - truly deem and naturally became invisible, which explains the reason behind it took so long for this philosophy to be written in this solid fashion or style.

There are many ways to express/put the content of this post.  One can also say that the algorithm a person uses more so determines its success and not the "power amount" of the personself. This especially is the case between different large-gap ethnics.  Some ethnic group just never reach the inguinity of others due to a few flaws they have, some bad habits and such, and precisely not on "power amount" - again, the title resonates here: it's about the right entry, not more entry.  We can find the same philosophy from bird kingdoms - owls are able to do what an owl can do is because it has owl's trait, and not due to owl's mighty high power ability - it's a different power than that of eagle or pigeons. This sayings implies here that use of a single measurement (zero (the start point) to low, then to high value) to measure all creatures would be surely disasterous if not quite drunken careless foolish.  Owls have different power than other birds, and its ability, the potency in doing what an owl does cannot be represented with a magnitude of power value and be used for comparing to the magnitude of power value of a hawk - again, I emphasize: it's not more or less power than the other, but what traits or type of power it has.

I hope this article clears a few things in life understandings up.

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