

Monday, 9 June 2014

Addressing the Zerg Passive-Aggro Infestation Atmosphere A Little

- dares to accuse others of "rude", when they are the most lethal in disguise.  The ones they accuse of "rude" or "violence", often rather violently are in fact the much more dangerous ones - these ones never challenge, they do not give signals.  If we look at it, with careful examination approach, we see that their moves does indeed contridict with the logic they try to present: a truly violent, non-good type of being as they say those guys are, would never challenge someone; they would not show signals until the very last dark spike (the final ultimate strike)

- supposely they are indeed righteous, as we follow what they say.  How come no actual charity.  I mean, the current police system is obvious fraud justice system, as no one stops those cyber bullying which are so easy to stop.  Not even one, perhaps a few men did, they did much, but then that was the all total combined.  This type of "glitches" disapproves all their claims

- so indeed it is true then also that the earlier talk-talk, blah blahs, were in fact setup for the later nonsense mouth-tongue weapons they would spit out - those verbal death bolts and all.  The excessive laughter, the exaggeration of stories, the piles on end of talks they let us hear beforehand were seriously to setup for later unexpected spiking, plus also to make things generally blurred out, so now we can't see who is who, and now these shadows could easily blend in

- we have many shady people, every single one of them is believed to be dismantleble - they will be chizzled into living sculptures, and perhaps also treated nicely with uncare (should we elevate it to: insertive care!)

- the trait lazy bonds with the trait thiefery naturally close.  One that is humble would not go "shopping" as excitedly and as interestedly as those looter personalitied.  The humble ones also would instead pick different hobbies - usually something like yugioh cards, straight forwardly speaking.  And bam, right there, isn't it interesting how yugioh cards playing people are highly "boo"-ed upon, and each time, from who?  From incredible no-skill, law and absurd situation-exploiting little mass thieferies, whom are much camouflager specialisted, had utilized every single welfare time in evolving further in their ever-consumer bitter-worm like sour thiefery behavior, all while coordinating in perfect conspiracy manner.  These are poor at math, science, for very good reasons - they are phDs in thiefery.  So that's why yugioh cards players are so somehow excessively sent these spits on - it does make perfect sense - the thiefs don't like them - they would not like the legits would they now  (the legits usually, pardon, always have the personality of humbleness, spirit over consumer desires, while the mass thief peasants (these lootesr had never been arrested, nearly none, but instead given perfect brooding grounds to flourish) carry the trait of looter, poacher, camouflager, and general street peddling work - very low life. So then no wonder they hate on the legits, the humble, the worker type, the ones who wish to learn to gain, and ones who obey true law)

- the ones that walk in the sun type of thiefs are relatively slightly better, while the shady ones that don't even plan to have kids are serious vallains.  And they will be crushed into various liquids for scientific, and justification purposes.

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