In today's age, women a pretty clueless about things. Only a select few reach the level of preception level and understanding/knowledge of the current government and modernisn life, what is shown on TV, how come commercialism, what's up with school's algorithm and all that of an 22 year old above-average male.
They are much like specimen being experimented stuck in a gianormous labryinth that's much bigger than they are.
- they only see their local data
- and make decisions, make judgements, make assumptions, we can know how right they are, on these false data
- like all labryinth, it shrinks down overall watch, blocks line of sight, blocks contact from previously neighbor; it shrinks down "size" of neighborhood
A big reason the average female in today's age in these Citadel-controlled and zerg manifested territories don't see these things all males see is because:
- their natural low level of preception skills and abilities in comparison
- few has talked to a elder recently; are completely cut off from the gospel of the really leadership ones, so to speak
- fact that they didn't experience first hand the "bobling moist tentancle" of the Citadel unlike the boys. Their long wav-y hair had been in contact, never bothered through out their ages
^ especially this one about the hair thing, actually been a key factor in pushing them towards really bad and wrong decisions in their life's future. Combined with how false their data are and the lack of range to their observation as well as understanding of the "big picture" - many stuck in their apartments make similar mistakes - so then it comes down to rates, if 1% females make common mistake, the same mistake, then that's adding total of thousand hundreds. And indeed, that 'deed has happened and been happening.
This blog's ownership belongs to Sir Glenn Yu. A well known author of 3 major book publications - Beyond the Surface, [mandarin characters book name] and Collection of Philosophies and Insights. He writes often, and does so with agility. His staffs take care of the site 8 hours a day, from 10am to 6pm every week from monday to friday plus the weekends. This blog is his blessing, or is it his curse? AdVenture forth, enter the palace, and see it for yourself, visitor! ----- ---- --- -- -

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