

Monday, 9 June 2014

■ Minister's Reports - Day 3

•  These are terror fiends, aren't they.  Not necessarily the chemical-conflictory kinds, but are of the manner-illness-dysfunction kind, so to speak, isn't that right

•  We couldn't possibily depend on them, counting on them for them to turn back to good.  They were never good initially either.  Their seemingly fragileness in the walks of light is only their acting, their getby until they return to their true ground - shady halls, unholy grounds, so to speak, yes


• These, some 6 billion of them, are so vile and ugly in nature, that a word like zerg technically is a compliment. I myself simply cannot wait for guys like Vladmir Putin to crush them under tank treads, and perform Volton Du Zero (split them into two equal sizes in weight) and/or rituals like Nike Speed (pulverizing their top part completely) with a crushing 10g force.  They are the ones that show passive aggresion to us despite all of this gains they already got? Monumental previleges and all received, and yet are the ones initializing these ugliness behavior, passive poisonous and toxic vilelism taunts, wow, shocking.
The shocking effect alone actually convinently serves as a natural protection from folks seeing who they really are.  If we examine, things become true.  For folks that had experienced quite much in life; seen the true face of the American Empire, they realizes this to be true.  The Zergs, these pathetic little nasty peasants are even ones that almost never, heck, it is never, showing appreciation, which again acts convinently (miraculously) as a natural shielding from seeing their true nature, what's on their mind and so on, despite this monumental rewards and freebies, astonding previleges, again, for, who, they, really, are
• The New World Order, this demonic evil chaotic messy power-rifted turds, so to speak, they had wanted the quarters be seperated. So that there'd be a commercial quarter, a men's apparel quarter, and some school quarter, and factory quarter, and agrilculture quarter and so on - so that each would operate as a mini society, and generates this natural boundary, this line of sight, and the people inside never seeing the whole picture of the labryinth, yeh.
• They had also purposely seperated pharma, and guess who gets most handicapped by that.  Now pharma is this machinery type of thing that lets a person go in, and then "heals" them.  Never genuine humbleness, never atmopshere of friendship and unity can be found, no bond, no local customs, no communities, except just one - federal communities and federal identifies (fed by their large camps called schools and plus their media which again disguises as if it's run by Uncle Sam and is "the" thing.)
If people knew what's on their mind, (hic, those zergs'), immediately folks will realize how ugly they are -  their lack of excited feeling and feeling of exilirating expected missing serves, again convientnyl as a natural shield from detecting who they really think; their psychology; who these suspicious peasants really are.  By the way, just now as I blazing speed type, I detect there is a spelling "error" on the word convinence, it shall be left as such, as that does denotes/represents some meanings therein.  The feeling undergo when they receive the extraordinary prizes for them, hitting the jackpot (by the way, again, mentioning: it's not a jackpot for us, but it is a jackpot for them), is actually more so a "ok accomplished, I got it" sorta feeling, not the happiness or excitement a normal regular creature or human would have.  This does make sense - as they are consumers, right-o?  Much like way they eat, or do anything rather - it's to fulfil their virus algorithm, and lesser about "happiness or joy" of life - those expressions are more so a regular humble nice creature, loving person's trait thingy isn't it?  Hehe, aye, yeah, yeppers.
The lack of guidance and elder's voice combined with imbalanced payment really does consolidiate these broken relationships and marriages in a hideous hideous least fortunate way.  The two get happy, 'cause they got a car.  The getting a car almost act as a judgement "I am the car maker and I approve of you two, and plus your relationship", aye, yeh, when in reality not a single car maker would even approve of their existence even~
• The argument should be placed solely on the validity of the existence of the zergs, and never on anything beyond, above-r that,  aye, ty.

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