

Friday 8 August 2014

Additional Reasonings on Human's Intelligence

-  humans in general, on average, make a ton load of intelligence-related mishaps (mistakes).  Though they does well in hiding it, both to others and to themselves
-  a person cannot attribute possession of a stone or brick houses as the indication of his strength, for if it weren't for the body of knowledge, everyone would likely be mud stalls.  So it's the body of knowledge that's there helping humans all this much be the one getting the credit, not the obtainer of this awesome source of intelligence.  The same goes true for every other possession
-  we can find many evidence of this statement.  Who went to invent lightbulb first without learned in prevention of evil?  Who is the creatures that donated this much dollar to the citadel regime to the point of an easy take over on their part?  Who spent all this time over-defending an unharmful and indangerous enemy while completely underguarded to the true primal evils - some of those ones to this day getting slammed by them on regular basis yet still not realize (or maybe they do partially at least realize, but ain't admitting, and doing good job hiding it so).  If we look at the answer to all of these types of questions, it's humans.
-  we see doctors, we see engineers, we see electricity experts.  The reality is that none of them are experts at anything.  Aren't most of the electric expert  the creatures that spent hours engineering a new improvement, advertises about it, competes sometimes overboardly with colleagues, blindly leaped into their trap, followed the so called "standard of practice for engineers" waste their life and countless nights sweating to complete a 350 page manual,  just to only in the end give it all away to an evil source sometimes even (and often quite is in this part of globe, in this world age) by selling at a give-away price, like $1 per 12 units or something.
-  we also see most humans, the "intelligentia" type spending hours modifying and improving some design, or some blueprint for a latest invention.  It's all good for that part, but they seem to not realize (skip and miss) the potent portion: they are accomplishing this often: 1. at the expense of their bodily health to the point of permanent suffucation,  and 2. loss of bonds between each other, relations diminishing upon each tick of (each unit of) their effort (which is excessive) spent  of the community they are suppose to be in.  In other words, they do not reconize when they are losing something else bigger when they "winning", or "inventing".

(add edit: 9:34pm EST) 
- additionally, the speed at which they perform interpreted as "better intelligence" or "higher brain power" get them into the same old false road even further,  when in the reality, their speed came at from zero work on guarding evil being done

Humans ought to be humble, reconize self who they really are, that's the requirement to become a champion.  Self-told deceptions seem to work until being confrontated by a realism engagement, which requires proper true view of self, the real view of things  for things to work.

Additional Tags:  in here, use of word 'human' strictly means good humans,  vielism excluded,  vile humanoid types,   magnitude, portion of things, spectrum,   intensity of situation,  realism,   getting the facts,  cast blame to self, or to the  'problem',  not every humans seek to be champion, some are number-based types,  those expect themselves to become mediocres,  and they'd be content with that,  beware of non-champions,  straight forwardly, speaking, ok let me say this:  the current regime, they got it wrong,  policies giving charity to averages as if they are champion,  and when they see no achieve, they think it's a champion human suffucated,  while on treating true champion's side, they act like it's a  vile human that cheated somehow,  they ought to thoroughly in forward answering  explain this a lil,  so we got an answer,  by the leasta,    yeah, again, not all humans are the champion type, quite a lot do not seek  championships,  glorious victories and such,  (using the definition of 'human', of counting in whole entire population) (not the exact same definition used in this article, blog post),  tournament,  calvary spirit,  principles,  calvary is principle, principle is calvary,  the actual word,  in-literal,   we became too literal now,  entered literal world, often went on bad train headed mysterious direction, without aware, or 2nd thought, no plan

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