

Saturday 2 August 2014

Guide on Combatting Judaism or Jews, from the Dragon Elder

Here I reveal some stuff I know about ways of combatting Jews and World Jewry and their Judaism insanity (which underdrives them) that are effective: (by the way, I do see my sentence structure of my English usage, it's not grammarly flawed or unstandard, it's put in such an order, structure that the philosophicals senses elevate to greater senses, where as sounding, convinence of reading is held back)
— if they say "anti-semite" pointing finger at you, you nod and stares at them, laughs about it, questions in a very another direction, ask their dinner time, accuse them of being worrysome and disconcerned, or joke around and say "prove it", "is this a prank" or "that makes you a dirty anti-anti-semite"
— they doing the debate show again, tell them to make more sense, keep accusing, keep talking disreason along them, all while keep looks of the hobby's amateur 
— mimik them, say exact thing they say, dress in same way, adopt their physical traits (clothes, hats, hair beads, if any), overuse the word they use
— if a Jew is telling you a story, all of it is fake (know they do it really advancedly, they pick timings like saturday 5:30 o'clock in the mid of during a TV show, with wrong word choice scattered everywhere, a paid agent saying it for them, and emotional colors and talkings (which within their careful calculation, stirs up emotion, reduces awareness, at sametime drags in)).  The words are not biased coming from a Jew, it's always biased, and not sometimes wrong and untrustworthy, it's always untrustworthy - needless for me to say: they say some truth to get viewers fall for the untruth.  They do things 50-50 strategy
— if it's a Jewish business, a government organization, an event, a program, speak up, investigate and ask who is the man behind the tattoo (logo) and painting (slogan). 10 times out of 10 if an organization, a brand name, a sales agency or whichever seems suspicously Jewry, then it is Jewry
— if they give or order an unecessary task, confront in groups and ask them why (this neutralizes their further doings quite a lot by utterly substantial amount, and the successful of these kinda confrontations are subtlely hidden (not easy detectable), but it works as proven by thousand of experiments).
 — if they are looking to steal business, expose, spread the word (barely anyone did this during Jewy's growth, while I bet if there was me attacking someone, they'd all gossip about the story, soon whole town knows me - why did no one prepare themselves for Jewry, it was a not at all not at all level of efforts put)
— if Jewry tries to disperse organizations and friendly groups, join closer, become even more united than before
— if they got security guard to approach you or sometimes police officers rise those agents' inner sorrows - ask them, are you their slaves then seeing how you always respond to their phone call, like a nanny much?
— tell the judges and court have ugly faces, poor job habits, unprofessional writings, broken english, not up to the job task, instead of really giving reasons, giving reasons tend to make them "happier" and more "indulged" in the ordeal (confrontation).  Tell the judge in clear statements you are a judge because you went to judge school, these lawyers are lawyers because this and that, and then move on saying the same to security guards, make them seperated, rise this truth and exert feeling of discomfort between them.  Keep saying the judge is bad, or the security guard, never putting both in same booth box.  Loop and rinse and repeat a couple times, they'd go home feeling real bad, often at a level more than themselves had expect.  
— the actual reason for all of the above to work, which is the "teach man how to wish" kinda deal: they are plain insane, these are crazy people we dealing with believe it or not, and you know what, crazy people are not entirely unreasonable, they follow reasons - yes crazy reasons they follow.  So those counters revealed above are what works in a world of crazy reasoning.  Jews being crazy folks (they are: as who else spend no time enjoying themself, but 24/7 bother others, and having aim being to do things that are crime in essence, writing page long articles to achieve this, forging a monument amount of material to achieve portion of their goals, and many more other things done for their crazy intents), can be countered effectively well by this short abbreviated guide.  There are many other strategies one could find, with this central principle that viewers can use to fish with given, an infinite number of counters to Jewry has already been found then, essentially.
— one last effective counter as part of this guide, bought you by Happy Puppy Corp Unlimited, I'd like to give: remember we dealing with insane here, they follow insane logic, insane reasoning, insane happenings - writing sensible articles make them happy, instead put some garlic in middle of a late part of sentence (f word, b word, strong word they fear (yes they actually fear those despite it was them advocating for banning of f-word in many places)), and speak in logic that no make sense to normal man, but perfect to the insane.  Tell about Jews' nightmares, their past sorrows.  Dodge their wanted answer, deviate from regular momentums, go off-standard (they use the word unorthodox, I dislike using this word as it mixes up closely with a term like orthodox church) all are effective ways to combat Jewry.  Showing weakness, showing their work being success of any kind all would boost their confidance of insanity.  Ways to reduce insanity differ from ways to reduce a normal person's insanity.  Brush yourself with disinterestingness, ugliness, not cuteness or things drive them to attract to you - again I beacon emephasize: Jews are insane, Judaism is insane idealology, we dealing with insanes here, not anyone normal, logic, speaks and understandings reasoning, so yes, needless for me to say, the language of insane oughtta be implemented here, which would result in fair success by minimum, not that the old language of morals.  Language of reasoning and normal morals make the Jews even more insane, more confidant in their insane ways and manners

that's it for now, peace out

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