

Saturday 2 August 2014

= Lord of Elder Dragons =

Anyway, thought so would be good mention something here, so here it is:
—  though the Jew order had great power, they were not do-it-all in actuality.  They were restricted in many areas, bounded by some things.  There were very much areas they could not traverse to (of the mind).  Yet had any of these so called perfectlty valid and self-insisting smart 2-legs ever perform an ounce of counter-tactic!  Certainly not, and even the best of them, like JFK did very ineffective moves. It's not just lack of skill they would say to me in repliace to this paragraph, it's in actuality their arrogance playing themselves.  These 2-leg self-insisting geniuses also now seeing current situation remark the Jewish order as ering so emmensely powerful, again doing a trick there, so they can deny their wrong moves earlier and the utter poor performance, plus their heavy association with the ultimate result we get now.  Who would pay for the price of disaster they spawned, contributed to and unsurppressed? Folks like me.  I will continue to get caught in this crossfire that has nothing to do with I.  
—  counter-tactics for Jewry expansion was easy and still is easy though much harder than before.  Before they were weaker, we had more european businesses and capitals than the slummy today's situation, the pie graph.  Almost all does no potent doings, usually backfires, indeed most time both play into their game more and send them something at same time takes place.  This includes Prime Ministers, rich investors, nearly everyone.  The main cause, inability to come up with actual counter-tactics that works, of this has to do with how their sheer arrogance blockades like a wall for any strategy from being in research / formulation.  Who here spent time devising strategies?  Who invested evenings here deciphering their psychologies and tendencies? None of these ones who really hate Jews have!  They go emotional and irrational about it, in angry and dismissive, unengaging and jumpy manner.  Are they trying to actually solve what they wanna solve, makes omni observers wander.  The strikes they had inflicted were so worthless that my own doings of a single letter had dealt more intended damage than all of those guys combined.
—  each time they striked Jewish order, they strengthened it in most cases.  Jewish order got to this big 'cause people were willing to be its prey, and the rebels also actively served its feeding, almost as if.  A mistake strike tend to deal more damage in reality than their tryings.  I know it is the situation they wanna change, the Jewish conspiracy they wanna prevention at least if not repel totally, and vigurously try and achieve those goals, they wanna.  So far, do we have any evidence of their effort did anything, in actuality?  Now quite a lot of them gonna start replying and talking to us as if they had dealt tremendous damage and it's Jewry that's super powerful.  I think to this: holy, can't they use the same energy and focus to admitting maybe their strategies needed improvements and more work?  Their arrogance had brought them down finally, it had prevented whole lump sum of them from doing just a tad bit, tad bit of research and analysis work would've done it.  In a way they all came an inch close from getting the apple, yet so distant never.  With apple obtained, rest becomes actually fairly do-able, now the goals, which they do really want to, most do, become simple chores (not tasks that take hectic efforts, struggle and all). 
—  here is relevent experience most folks can relate heavily to to this topic: in schools, which in reality is Jewish order schools, they purposely do a lot of tricks with us.  Counter procedures that everybody is capable of (but may not know, or lot of the times, yes, willing to know or willing to seek know), if done reduces potential harm by at least 98%.  Yet how many of the citizens did so?  Nevermind the sheeple peasants, but our guys, majority had not do the proper set of defences.  They opened themselves to prone attacks.  They let themselves be brainwashed and converted to zombies, though the whole damn thing was bloody obvious like a looney tooney bin.  Portions of them reach adulthood, realizes something must've been fraud, so they found the Jewish order a lil bit, begins lashing out and do things that are either ineffective harmless attacks or actions that boost them from one route or the other.  We had more than well 6 genetation of rich, wealthy, smart, classy and wise Europeans lived in this country under the Jewish order, and nearly none of them managed something actually worthy, even The president JF Kennedy did a nearly amateur move that was meant to be a counter-move: openly stated intent, under-prepared, spoke out all desires genuinely too soon when they were in radical mode still, rushed into decisions and conclusion summarizing the facts without enough information.  Many of the guys in the Jewish order classrooms get trained, become well learned in computers or other science fields, goes to work place, and the rest of it are self-explainatory.  It's a process that kept going and going.  Protestors spoke unpersuasive words, they were in agitated mood very unecessarily, most engaged in worthless physical jumpfulness, no homework was done after the demonstration - were they all fooling around or taking this seriously, makes me wander, and they do take it blood-oathly life-death-ly seriously, but then where were the actions?  Again like said earlier, I myself had single handedly independently found more facts, evidences, infos than all of those ones combined.  This can't possibilely just be intelligence, there must be something, something unseen, something undetected, something invisible but it's there - oh I know - their arrogant way of life.  They, including prominent scientists don't see the whole picture and haven't came up with strategies that are actually capable, is because they all weren't willing to believe they had a lot to learn (ok I end this right here for now, very sleepy, gotta go to bed, I got lost in words in the last sentence for a lil bit, that's it for now, good nights), a premise for sitting down, doing it like puzzle-solver, devotedly, patiently, and professionally devising a plan, being in the real way to achieving those set goals.

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