

Friday 8 August 2014

Sheeple Peasants

草民s spread
   草民 spread to everywhere

Rubbish Peasants are waging war,  waging psychological warfare with the loud noises they blast our on purpose, within their carefully brewed sheeple-calculation, to barrage us with their sheeple propagandas.

Sheeples exist to serve sheeple ideals, to crawl to sheeple aims, operating in sheeple manner, using sheeple disguises, wielding any soft-weapons they could find all done so in sheeple behaviors.

   Sheeples spread to as luxurious place as possible
     Sheeples are eternally mediocre creatures
       Sheeples' goal in life is no goal, it is to spread, like: to drift, to mess around

Fact of matter is, there is no Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Sudanese, Somalia, Sunni, Punjabi, Pakistani, Mongolian, Swedes and so on.  Those categories are sheeple propaganda.  There is only good people and bad people - these two!

Number-based, grassy, glutton, shameless, moral-less, disguisive, camouflager experts, the terror sheeples stop at nothing.  They are a mass number of self-deceptionist ego maniacs.  The more sensible version of sheeple had already much died off and exist in far lesser numbers - they were lawful enough to surpress the terror within them by sanctioning selves in many ways, including the numbers in total.  This senseless maniac versions on the other hand will continue to use any government welfare as weapons, as nutrients, constantly wage war with humanity and civilization itself, exploiting any absurd laws or notions it can, alienating lions, deflaming humble creatures with alternative number of legs and skin type (furs) as 'animal' or 'wild beasts', accusing vigilanries as violent and criminals, soothing regular humans who makes strategic errors, voting companies with submissive tone with their welfare deep pockets, reaching closer and closer by the decade or the ear, or the moth  to their never-reachable non-existent sheeple aim,  taking none of the responsibility for the havoc and decay,  claiming to be a beneficiary of the societies-at-large,  and carrying the looks and presentation of an all-around ghenuiss world all-mighty fragile pinnacle weakling. 

Additional Tags:  and just with that so, always,  people's nature, humanoid traits,  behaviors, nature, aspects,  true categories,  mimikers,  specialist in camouflaging, abnormally ill-ly poor at sports  ones,  sickly,  alternate algorithm,  disguisers,  disguised under clothing,  stolen looted,  'purchased',  bought,  upside down order,  vigilary, speed, momentum, will, motion,  tranquality, willpower,  fast rapid typing, ok that's it for now, for tag section,   where did balls for men go by the way,  reaction, feedback, commentation, as just witnessed a scene, sight of the video,  opinion from the sun,  a ray,  radiance,  may it be,  roman periods,  greek, poalites,  phaphlax, chariot,  archer,  viking troopers,  galvanic arc,  hammer forge,   firewood,  shops, market centre, crossroad, inn,  soup, bread,  tanning rack,  leather,  supply, ore,  iron,  silver, trade, commerce,  agriculture,  boom, population,  grassy gnoll,  imp, goblin, serpant,  dysfunctions, sickly, hospital,  defects,  malfunctional,  maniacs,   |I won't go literal format it all, going be like explitictly  talking it all out ,  be like saying this and that along the lines of sheeples  want goods, will end up wasting, sheeples will ruin economy,  I think we all would know by now,  in additonally reason: not good to say everything all out in that format sometimes,  might be mistake I believe  if  does done, right (question mark),    |one thing for sure}, sheeples will donate if it's the 'norm' of society, and they ain't suffering (taking net advantage loss, overall-wise (unwise), a toll,  than gain),  if expectation of them is to crime, they will crime,    yo this society gotten so rottening I am pretty sure all of our folks believe the same already by time of this, by now,  let me share infos:  someone getting their stolen stuff back is seen as criminal - goes into hectic situation, bothersome with police by the minimum, that's usual case, though we pray for and wish wer edifferent,  while some leechy thief  legitimized for its 'shopping',  looting is now shopping over here,  and its possession of the dollars is 'earned',    Sheeples is a terror type of humanoid reconized by 49 groups of international communities.

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