

Monday, 2 June 2014

Daily Proverbs

"Could a leech ever be a gentlemen, hm, ho,  ha,  probably not "

"They (the they being leeches) assume the guy must be cheating 'cause it exposed their real nature under layers upon layers of physical cosmetics and invisible cosmetics, such as expression copy and general facial gesture adjustment via hours upon hours of daily mirror watching"

"The + and -, win and loss type of mindset is not of ours, it's that of leeches.  For, a leech - (minuses) the person, creature it's attached to, and + (plus) itself.  Its gain always come at the expense of someone else. While itself constantly is bugged by a periodic everlasting death tick, a - on them.  Would a leech ever turn into a creature not a leech, like a form of late butterfly?  Probably not, these are last remaining complete loser holes"

"The lower form of life, lower rankers, lower abilities, lower level don't take of level above them.  It tends to be the above take care of the below.  When we apply this to life we see how the female do not take care of the male.  And the toddler cannot take care of the parents.  Samething goes for plenty others: how lesser human types do not take care of the ones ahead/above them."

"A big particular reason we have this abundant amount of mess-up and mishaps so to speak in this current 'society' is due to how everyone is thinking locally, using a projected version of the 'big picture', but the entire system, economic, social, job market, every aspect, every portion nearly is of a federal model - one of granderous federal model in size and scale; nearly everything operates based on a federal system, but every gear/compartment of the system operates as if it's .. yes, blind, seeing just the local picture and doing guesswork on the rest,  then for sure we can know how good it would be then,  lol.. s(o dry lol; such a dry one), hehe heh."

"The question again, is it possible, is it ever possible for a leech to ever turn, morph, become a butterfly, a good authentic type of creature, by any day, hmm."

"Speaking a language is one thing, and speaking the heart of a language is another.  And scripting the literal version of a language is also a total another.  We are stuck in mud in this age of obsession over letters and alphabets - are they really alpha, and are they really letters, as oppose to oppositioners? hmm.  How did it get named alphabets anyways, as if so alpha, and not beta, or theta, or delta, hm, who played with these words?  Secret society again?"

"The reserve of a leech, abundance resources of it, extra, is really just something to make the leech outlast, and not let it live more prosperly than before.  Leech types of creatures tend to be not elegant in risk taking - they are willing to attrite their well being for gamble - for they already lost so'badly, what could another major loss do?  Yeah it's kinda like that.  A leech would eternally attempt to crave as much as they could consume, often bursting themselves from over-consumption.  This is their eternal intent.  A leech would die off fairly fast if the amount of leeching is not excessive compared to normal levels of consumption for all creatures, for it's got a natural deathly curse, a death tick on it, ticking away its wellbeing periodicly over time."

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