This blog's ownership belongs to Sir Glenn Yu. A well known author of 3 major book publications - Beyond the Surface, [mandarin characters book name] and Collection of Philosophies and Insights. He writes often, and does so with agility. His staffs take care of the site 8 hours a day, from 10am to 6pm every week from monday to friday plus the weekends. This blog is his blessing, or is it his curse? AdVenture forth, enter the palace, and see it for yourself, visitor! ----- ---- --- -- -

Thursday, 31 July 2014
(Over)-Logic-Thinker went Coo-coo-Coo-La, via Its Mass Tangled-Logic-Wires
using some of those most fanatic Zionist leader's attitude, we can say the following equalvalents:
- eating fresh will bring us more power
- they fear certain diet choices, we wave and crave at the sight of rottening flesh
- restrictive to themselves, the gentile lack the tenacity of us Jews, flesh of all human kind that are fine to the Jews does not pass to gentile's tables
- the gentiles tend to be busy with themselves over petty matter, they forget the great taste of fermented urine
My Verdict:
Any zionist leader or thinker that went passionate (in the wrong way) with those politics, economics and crap:
fix yourself, it's not too late.
Questions :
- How does one go passionate and excitement about those stuff and such topics anyways?
- Do their mind lacks a mechanisms telling them it's a bad thing?
- They frown at the sight of urine on their faces, or on anyone's faces, so then why is this distant logic version they not react the same way?
- They traverse into moral grounds and sometimes never realize, not even after victim's outcries somewhat heard part of, by denoting everything in perfect-neutral analysis manner. Now the thing has no pre-designation of right or wrong on it, things easily becomes messed-up. It's like saying urine, poop, of strangers, urine poop, of strangers in flat tone a thousand time daily to self (in different parts of phrases, inserted into an essay sort've thing), spoken to colleagues, at whenever, and at wherever. The user then bound to one day start drinking the stuff mentioned so repeatedly in neutral manner.
- You are suppose to denote with an underlying emotional stances towards topics such as murder, arson, criminal frauds, these caucasoids drove themselves into this mega Jewry crap therefrom.
- The current members of Zionism Jewry Order are largely people that went through their school programs. They allowed themselves to be converted to this way, and they never flinched, not for once. They gotta be reminded though at least: the reason they are this prone to lure of greed, has to do with the abuse the system gave to them. In addition to that, the system is what they serving to now despite this was the source of abuse, which made them unhealthy and more inclined towards abnormalty in the first place?
Additional Tags: aye, so true, emotional denotation missing, completely, insenstivity, insensitive, to the nature of it, insensitive of insensitivity, they feel no sensation when they say we'll provide right to deny irreverse chance of murder, though it's essentially same as we allow ruthless murder, caucasoid, skullsoid, logic-thinker, flat-tone, robot-talk, type of tone, they screwed themselves, anatomy-ly, an flaw they never seized to address?, though themselves were very aware of Goy's flaws, interesting, yep, clan of defects, mass weirdo caucasoid gather and refer themselves with an interesting name, guidance, advise, advices,
abandoned love completely,
it is the definition of crazy,
leech attitude,
short abruptive sounds,
tags section,
this [is[ the crazy bunch,
Recluse people
- recluse people are not people
- recluse means anti-social
- there hasn't existed a recluse person who cares for fellow humans, and will never be one
- a recluse person that cares for others is a joke, as fire must be above certain temperature to be a fire, same deal there
Speak up, tap the recluse on the shoulder
he who care nothing for society, receives nothing in return from society
give to get gived
Bank Expbanksion
Especially true for the Jewish Order banks, the origin of their profits for standard-par banking operations had to do with using the force of arrogance, in essence. The attitude of arrogance of the crowd were in a way somehow converted into profits. Person with arrogancy views bloated view of self, the detriment for the happiness boost is: falls for tougher tasks. If the person chooses to persist, which such is the scenario in history, then the damage would form into an attachment that detaches their nutrients and belongings. Today, which is the ultimate result we get, each citizen is being drained by the banks, quietly since all siphons are quiet, and periodicly in time.
They fall for scams again and again, instead of ditching the sheer arrogance and address this issue, they allow themselves to remain in same mode, binded to fall for another which will keep on re-occuring until fundamental changes is made. The logos and slogan trick them into thinking it's run by a mythtical divine being, or at least someone close to one by the least-least. The employee's tones generate the impression it's the most great thing there is, and that the floors and room is as magical and uncommon as gods of greek mythology.
All of the banks in USA existing and doing well effectively are scam criminal organizations, and are not legitimate banks. They can threaten and change authority all they want, but the fact sticks to here. They can use the ends to justify their criminal means (the ends being the money they managed to obtain through illegal methods and foul plays).
The banks managed to obtain a foothold initially through bribery government officials, getting away with things and such, at a time and place where law was loose.
The scam-banks' predecessor form was pawn shops, large illegal businesses such as slave farms and slave trafficing organizations.
These scam-banks' infant stage was outlaws who managed to escape the authority of various kingdoms and states.
Slowly over time they grew bigger and bigger.
With the conspiracy in war of "independence", they managed to seal the ultimate jackpot: now tariffs could be their new income.
Those fraud banks expand fast like cancer, for it recruits employees, and also recruiters that recruit recruiters. With the profit they instantly made, anyone that refused them or denounced would've been barred out by the thugs they hired.
If anyone wanna know the matter and issue at Washington and what's the government of USA really like, one can accomplish this via learning these banks, it's a great start for this learning.
People kept giving them money. They were fooled by the logos and slogans, the fancy fonts, and the phony words of the ingenuine employees. Surely it was illegal and high risk move for these bank organization to do this, but the population were giving away their money to them so easily.
(the rest details are kind've self-explainatery, thus was omitted)
Define Judaism
Define Judaism
Judaism, the gang that poses as a religion (just like the Muslim religion), whatever that word means, of Jewish faith, currently has emmence power.
- their monetary power comes from the vast banking systems they managed to spread everywhere
- their influence is extensive for they have occupied pretty much all key strategic areas that's key for a standard military uprising (example of these areas: soft drinks and news networks)
- their military power is strong at immediate, and even stronger in reserves
Influence, money, arms, they all have. Judaism is a formiddable gang, and a very powerful gang, with near zero weakness. Well, afterall it's the gang that even crushed Germany and Japan via direct confrontation. All of its doings, settings, moves, had been aimmed at preventing a military-style uprising or a full-scale war from any sovereign states.
Judaism is not a spawn of Satan. Judaism is spawn of the coarseness and sheer relentless arrogance of the sheeple mass whom still does not admit - at the mouth they do not admit, at their heart they don't admit to themselves. About near everyone is within that sheeple mass arrogancy group except a few of our guys, usually far in low numbers, whom are still in brainwash by partial amount in general. This brainwash the sheeple arrogant amass managed to "hook" onto our guys has to do with how they tend to be location-wise close to them; took the opportunity of close proximity and easier preying provided by mistaken-some school system; generally preyed on them during their vulnerable moments/modes; being expert at doing this. Just like all liar groups, if lie-team A manage to spread theirs before lie-group B or the truth-teller, under the condition that A and B's words counter each others, the lie-group B would look like criminals if that's the rhetorics installed while lie-group A are marked as good guys. I believe this is exact such case that had happened to most of our guys, whom should definately be treated as a seperate class, as exceptions to all of the government policies set by Jew Order. I myself was such a person, and had walked out of the "hooks" they had installed on me, so I have personal experiences to tell it more so.. (ok got twisted in words here, so never this part (in continuation)). Our people (we are very few in numbers in total, nearly impossible to randomly bump into one without actively looking, and that's done inside likable regions and places) have been drowned in this ocean of arrogance, of humans utterly different from me, nor even truly likes us. They might answer yes if the question is framed in a way which they detect to be investigative. Their friendship and connection with our guys had always been an illusion on the bear mouths. We have been blamed for the stupidity of people that are not us, and we are still paying that price, for who, for what, for someone else completely unrelated to us's stupidity and arrogance? The sheeples will continue to brand us of same shade, doing so relentlessly. Some of our guys, some very very smart, and well informed and read too would still be under mind control. Like the analogy mentioned about how lie-group A being first makes all other later truths and lies seem faulty, our guys and Judaism leaders (some of them really smart as well) are currently still in those faulty beliefs. Guesses of either sides' become fortified by the reactions they give out. Those reactions are based on unassured, unverified, and unfirm prejudices placed in by the Zergs. Through this mutual exchange, this tossing of a volleyball back and forth, both sides end up operating under this pre-installed false basis, done by the mass sheeples. What should be done is in clear sentence this: the people that do not fall for Judaism' scams and tricks should have a new classification, a different set of policies towards them. While all those that fall, would be placed in a different box, metaphorically speaking. I think this is a great set of suggestion as a beginning for the more-to-come.
Our people continues to be the only victim in this giant worldly mess. The sheeples are paying a price, yes for their stupidity. We are paying for their stupidity? The only people is folks like me - we have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the gentile-goy talks. We are out of this bound, and had never involved with the goys. Me and my guys are paying a heavy price for someone else's stupidity, we are being pulled to drown in the ocean of arrogance of others, whom are nothing to do with us! That's the major flaw of Judaism.
It's much also like how today we are cats being blamed by international mouse association, then next day we are mouse somehow getting blamed by the international cats association - how does things like this even happen. The crossfire between goy and gentile has nothing to do with us. I have always been my own kind, with visible fundamental differences from all the goy groups. The "rejective" attitude displayed toward us from the goys serve as excellence proof of this. It's very totally unreasonable getting me and my type of folks involved in this mess. By doing this, we are forced to pick a side now. Sometimes it takes one side's error to make two sides fight each other now, this proverb rings perfectly in here.
Judaism is spawned by the sheer arrogance of these baffoons, whom again I highlight and state: has nothing to do with us, and never were "good relation" with us. While many of our guys are fairly stranded, thinking and coming up ideas and thoughts on their own: still laying in the mass pool of false facts installed and consolidated daily by the mass sheeples that engulf and surround them. This lie-group being the first one to say opinions on matters become naturally desginated as the truth teller. They also managed to teach our guys to immediately bash any newly arrived ideas with counter points without 2nd thought ever. So Judaism's policy gets discovered, they jump into the conclusion upon snap of a finger: Judaism is false, undoubtly and absolutely 100% to blame for 100% of my personal rightful dissatisfactions.
These sheeples I believe in secret mind, deepdown inside of their concious, enjoy seeing one intellectual group fight the other. They will continue to claim they are one of us and care about us, until all intellectuals (people that study history and read (and keep track of) news) seize to exist.
People like me have little problem with Judaism. The big problem is how Judaism themselves are brainwashed and not willing to admit so, probably out of "embrassment in front of their own employees or lower tier members, or something". They fell to the tricks played by the sheeple amass. Somehow they were made to think this way by them. Can they ever get out of it, yes I hope so. They had been brainwashed into thinking a set of total wrong basis for anything, which results in the terrible policies that have arrived in the past 70 years or so, and also ones earlier. Our people have been treated as if we are the samething as the "goys". Our existence were totally neglected or at least not set as within priority. Our existence barely acrossed the mind in all decision making processes. Sheeples had done a very clever job at somehow moving the decisions always to their favor. Sheeples, contrary to commonly held belief by these dark Jewish lords, are also capable of advanced tactics that one could not easily imagine. The dark Juda lords thinks themselves are the only people capable of such. In short, of this lengthy paragraph though, pardon for that: the big problem is that our people are treated the same as goys though we have nothing to do whatsoever spanning across every merit and category with them, but we are being punished, and we are getting hit in this crossfire that was never involved by us in the first place. Furthermore, in the event of any side being hitted hard enough, that group always becomes an enemy to whoever they deemed to be the causer of those inflictions. Judaism world policy is making enemies. I hope they don't go drunk enough marking those rebels as ones that woulda faught still without those policies.
Judaism expands with power of ego. It recruits persons with flaws (creeps) through monetary lures. Judaism operates on people's dark desires. Judaism satisfies its member's greed. Greed being a common desire amongst people with natural flaws, this, we can use and then say: Judaism satisfies people with natural flaws. And Judaism turns out exactly does so: they recruit people with major issues and problems.
They also try to accomplish the recruitment process by enlargening the possible candidate base through as variety of means, at as much as they could magnitude
The top Judaism leaders though, unlike the minions, would always be someone half righteous and half Juda. For it takes righteous energy for a person to become well learned in any area. Righteous energy provides the strength for laying fundation to great and expansive knowledge. Since expansive knowledge is an requirement to be a Juda leader, so we get the translated flow: righteous energy is an needed asset for one to be a leader of Judaism. For total cryptic person(s), human anatomy sets out punishments limits to ones who try total poisonous and rottening ways. A healthy life habit plus morals are required to ascend anyone to genius, top pinnacle intelligence level. High morals provide righteous energy, while righteous energy gives further morals, so the whole thing is tied up with morals, on how the Judaism leaders must possess those traits.
^ the part mentioned about Juda top leaders must be people with at least decent amount of morals tie in well together with the part earlier I mentioned about sheeple's manipulation around/on us. The perfect match is seen here now: sheeples been telling us not to engage peaceful and reasonable conversation whatsoever with Juda. Themselves have difficulty to get along with them ever, while we, our people have much in common, a whole great room for conversations, yet we get locked in to the surpression grid of their tiny humbleness! They can't do this, it doesn't hurt them telling everyone not to do it. But we can do this, and we shall not follow sheeple's direction, and their "advise".
(supplementary materials: sheeples engage them in violence, in no-manners, in extremism. They tell everyone we are the same as them. We end up taking the right punishments for their misbehavior and attitude. Sheeples have inability to get along with Judaism crowds, we are not the same, yet we are dragged to the worst situation for us there is. Our people has been in the crossfire for so long, we had been used as pain absorbers for someone else's fights.
Judaism, the gang that poses as a religion (just like the Muslim religion), whatever that word means, of Jewish faith, currently has emmence power.
- their monetary power comes from the vast banking systems they managed to spread everywhere
- their influence is extensive for they have occupied pretty much all key strategic areas that's key for a standard military uprising (example of these areas: soft drinks and news networks)
- their military power is strong at immediate, and even stronger in reserves
Influence, money, arms, they all have. Judaism is a formiddable gang, and a very powerful gang, with near zero weakness. Well, afterall it's the gang that even crushed Germany and Japan via direct confrontation. All of its doings, settings, moves, had been aimmed at preventing a military-style uprising or a full-scale war from any sovereign states.
Judaism is not a spawn of Satan. Judaism is spawn of the coarseness and sheer relentless arrogance of the sheeple mass whom still does not admit - at the mouth they do not admit, at their heart they don't admit to themselves. About near everyone is within that sheeple mass arrogancy group except a few of our guys, usually far in low numbers, whom are still in brainwash by partial amount in general. This brainwash the sheeple arrogant amass managed to "hook" onto our guys has to do with how they tend to be location-wise close to them; took the opportunity of close proximity and easier preying provided by mistaken-some school system; generally preyed on them during their vulnerable moments/modes; being expert at doing this. Just like all liar groups, if lie-team A manage to spread theirs before lie-group B or the truth-teller, under the condition that A and B's words counter each others, the lie-group B would look like criminals if that's the rhetorics installed while lie-group A are marked as good guys. I believe this is exact such case that had happened to most of our guys, whom should definately be treated as a seperate class, as exceptions to all of the government policies set by Jew Order. I myself was such a person, and had walked out of the "hooks" they had installed on me, so I have personal experiences to tell it more so.. (ok got twisted in words here, so never this part (in continuation)). Our people (we are very few in numbers in total, nearly impossible to randomly bump into one without actively looking, and that's done inside likable regions and places) have been drowned in this ocean of arrogance, of humans utterly different from me, nor even truly likes us. They might answer yes if the question is framed in a way which they detect to be investigative. Their friendship and connection with our guys had always been an illusion on the bear mouths. We have been blamed for the stupidity of people that are not us, and we are still paying that price, for who, for what, for someone else completely unrelated to us's stupidity and arrogance? The sheeples will continue to brand us of same shade, doing so relentlessly. Some of our guys, some very very smart, and well informed and read too would still be under mind control. Like the analogy mentioned about how lie-group A being first makes all other later truths and lies seem faulty, our guys and Judaism leaders (some of them really smart as well) are currently still in those faulty beliefs. Guesses of either sides' become fortified by the reactions they give out. Those reactions are based on unassured, unverified, and unfirm prejudices placed in by the Zergs. Through this mutual exchange, this tossing of a volleyball back and forth, both sides end up operating under this pre-installed false basis, done by the mass sheeples. What should be done is in clear sentence this: the people that do not fall for Judaism' scams and tricks should have a new classification, a different set of policies towards them. While all those that fall, would be placed in a different box, metaphorically speaking. I think this is a great set of suggestion as a beginning for the more-to-come.
Our people continues to be the only victim in this giant worldly mess. The sheeples are paying a price, yes for their stupidity. We are paying for their stupidity? The only people is folks like me - we have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the gentile-goy talks. We are out of this bound, and had never involved with the goys. Me and my guys are paying a heavy price for someone else's stupidity, we are being pulled to drown in the ocean of arrogance of others, whom are nothing to do with us! That's the major flaw of Judaism.
It's much also like how today we are cats being blamed by international mouse association, then next day we are mouse somehow getting blamed by the international cats association - how does things like this even happen. The crossfire between goy and gentile has nothing to do with us. I have always been my own kind, with visible fundamental differences from all the goy groups. The "rejective" attitude displayed toward us from the goys serve as excellence proof of this. It's very totally unreasonable getting me and my type of folks involved in this mess. By doing this, we are forced to pick a side now. Sometimes it takes one side's error to make two sides fight each other now, this proverb rings perfectly in here.
Judaism is spawned by the sheer arrogance of these baffoons, whom again I highlight and state: has nothing to do with us, and never were "good relation" with us. While many of our guys are fairly stranded, thinking and coming up ideas and thoughts on their own: still laying in the mass pool of false facts installed and consolidated daily by the mass sheeples that engulf and surround them. This lie-group being the first one to say opinions on matters become naturally desginated as the truth teller. They also managed to teach our guys to immediately bash any newly arrived ideas with counter points without 2nd thought ever. So Judaism's policy gets discovered, they jump into the conclusion upon snap of a finger: Judaism is false, undoubtly and absolutely 100% to blame for 100% of my personal rightful dissatisfactions.
These sheeples I believe in secret mind, deepdown inside of their concious, enjoy seeing one intellectual group fight the other. They will continue to claim they are one of us and care about us, until all intellectuals (people that study history and read (and keep track of) news) seize to exist.
People like me have little problem with Judaism. The big problem is how Judaism themselves are brainwashed and not willing to admit so, probably out of "embrassment in front of their own employees or lower tier members, or something". They fell to the tricks played by the sheeple amass. Somehow they were made to think this way by them. Can they ever get out of it, yes I hope so. They had been brainwashed into thinking a set of total wrong basis for anything, which results in the terrible policies that have arrived in the past 70 years or so, and also ones earlier. Our people have been treated as if we are the samething as the "goys". Our existence were totally neglected or at least not set as within priority. Our existence barely acrossed the mind in all decision making processes. Sheeples had done a very clever job at somehow moving the decisions always to their favor. Sheeples, contrary to commonly held belief by these dark Jewish lords, are also capable of advanced tactics that one could not easily imagine. The dark Juda lords thinks themselves are the only people capable of such. In short, of this lengthy paragraph though, pardon for that: the big problem is that our people are treated the same as goys though we have nothing to do whatsoever spanning across every merit and category with them, but we are being punished, and we are getting hit in this crossfire that was never involved by us in the first place. Furthermore, in the event of any side being hitted hard enough, that group always becomes an enemy to whoever they deemed to be the causer of those inflictions. Judaism world policy is making enemies. I hope they don't go drunk enough marking those rebels as ones that woulda faught still without those policies.
Judaism expands with power of ego. It recruits persons with flaws (creeps) through monetary lures. Judaism operates on people's dark desires. Judaism satisfies its member's greed. Greed being a common desire amongst people with natural flaws, this, we can use and then say: Judaism satisfies people with natural flaws. And Judaism turns out exactly does so: they recruit people with major issues and problems.
They also try to accomplish the recruitment process by enlargening the possible candidate base through as variety of means, at as much as they could magnitude
The top Judaism leaders though, unlike the minions, would always be someone half righteous and half Juda. For it takes righteous energy for a person to become well learned in any area. Righteous energy provides the strength for laying fundation to great and expansive knowledge. Since expansive knowledge is an requirement to be a Juda leader, so we get the translated flow: righteous energy is an needed asset for one to be a leader of Judaism. For total cryptic person(s), human anatomy sets out punishments limits to ones who try total poisonous and rottening ways. A healthy life habit plus morals are required to ascend anyone to genius, top pinnacle intelligence level. High morals provide righteous energy, while righteous energy gives further morals, so the whole thing is tied up with morals, on how the Judaism leaders must possess those traits.
^ the part mentioned about Juda top leaders must be people with at least decent amount of morals tie in well together with the part earlier I mentioned about sheeple's manipulation around/on us. The perfect match is seen here now: sheeples been telling us not to engage peaceful and reasonable conversation whatsoever with Juda. Themselves have difficulty to get along with them ever, while we, our people have much in common, a whole great room for conversations, yet we get locked in to the surpression grid of their tiny humbleness! They can't do this, it doesn't hurt them telling everyone not to do it. But we can do this, and we shall not follow sheeple's direction, and their "advise".
(supplementary materials: sheeples engage them in violence, in no-manners, in extremism. They tell everyone we are the same as them. We end up taking the right punishments for their misbehavior and attitude. Sheeples have inability to get along with Judaism crowds, we are not the same, yet we are dragged to the worst situation for us there is. Our people has been in the crossfire for so long, we had been used as pain absorbers for someone else's fights.
About The Truth (真理,真相)
Here are a few I could provide here:
— the story of emperor and his clothes
— banking, casino, cityscape
— the story about doubling loan up to the state court
— patterns in the symbols and logos
— logo design and slogan styles
— monuments and oddly shaped structures
And here is some additions:
— statue of liberty
— rockerfeller christmas tree
— one dollar bill
— coins of various countries and past states
— government organization logos
— the pyramid in Las Vegas
Best of luck treasure gatherers,
Da Vinci's code, you can be 2nd to solve it
Mirror to Mirror
"Understanding both perspectives, both sides, knowing both's sight on the other help analyze situations all that easier. And it's a wonderful feeling at same time if I may add"
Evil man that is healthy cannot definately and won't definately,
look like a healthy, no matter its health (level).
While a normal man may look like evil man if he is unhealthy.
^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
This, makes the righteous people have much harder time in judging evil, telling who is who than the reverse: evil judging righteous. The evil would always have immediate accurate sighting of righteous, while the righteous would run into a stutter deciphering whether it's an odd looking normal person, a normal person contracted with illness, or a bad person. By the way here I want to point out the term "righteous people" being used is not stric-lly defined.
At a street for instance, sighting of someone normal by someone in reality bad would be instant, while someone bad requires more minutes and info to be pointed as one by both righteous and bad parties. In current situation, with the false installments into social notions, norms, preceptions, plus all the brainwashes and all, it has gotten pretty difficult to spot any uglies (spotting any uglies has gotten pretty difficult).
Arrogance is a Curse of Doom on the Bearer
A strategic humility may sound like an arroganter in that:
The humility says also yes I understand, but will return home and study more.
While the arrogant says yes I knows it all, and goes home relaxing in "comfort".
Arrogance is like a ticking curse, it ultimately brings doom to the bearer.
Arrogance denies person from improving at where it's needed, covering weakness areas, learning necessary adaptations, whether small or large sizes ones.
Though the lack of base equipments for the wanted changed may get mixed up with lack of will in first place due to the hyper resemblence.
An arrogant man discloses all other cultures as weaker, uninteresting and pointless in this world.
While the humble man finds every culture, fascinated thereby.
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The "Jewish Religion"
• The problem with the Jewish faith is it's not a religion, it's a cult, it's a gang. The Jewish faith is a gang, the Jewish faith is a cult
• Unlike other people, the Jewish people are driven by ego, facts, statistics, reports, observations, and not by love: compassion, wishes, family and participation
• Jewish gang members will always exist if left undisrupted for though they will lack their own children, they could always find a fresh supply of 2nd generation members from defects of crowds whom are more on ego side than humane principles
• Jewish religion functions like a cult, operate like a cult, and smells like a cult
• Its gang members satisfy their brain, with egos, as oppose to hearts, with love
• Jewish gang rises from the anatomy flaws of caucasoid, that's the basis
Choke Cancer Death
• monogamy is fluid cancer
• federalism is cancer
• stalkercist behavior is eerie
• faminism is cancer
• abnormalty is cancer
• deformalty is cancer
• defect life forms is cancer
• fragmentationlism is cancer
• individualism is cancer
Israel is cancer, it has mass Hamas militants across its border.
Liberty is cancer. Communist order is cancer. Federal capitalism is cancer
Crypt lords is cancer. Depotism is cancer. Talkative weirdys is cancer.
Overpopulation epidemic is cancer. Mishealth is cancer. Dysfunction is cancer
(joking) ,,,...,,,... Elder Dragon of Earl
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
:-: ''' :-: Sheeples :-: ''' :-:
Sheeples are not loving creatures
Sheeples are gang members
Sheeples are good for nothing.
They became obsolete since year 300 B.C.
Sheeples is a positive on a negative.
They operate within reason based (+) on a malfunctional overpopulation basis (-).
Sheeples would like to engulf this world, that is their aim,
an aim out of control, and an aim out of their control.
Sheeples maim, sheeples terrorize, sheeples pollute, sheeples reduce.
Sheeples loot, sheeples spread, sheeples detest.
Sheeples spew, sheeples infect.
Sheeples leech.
Additional Tags: used to hide, like clothing, puzzle, secret force, their errors and problems, ain't mine, not mine, pushed towards building confused hall-ways, too many odd males born at once, sure are talented at what they do, but, but, lacks qualify, do the girls like them even, if girls had more of a brain, all woulda restricted them by the least measurements, aye, |hong, hong-hong honghong-hong, anthem of rakdos, it's a card, dun-dun-dun, the intensity, they lay groundwork (prepara do crim-a tomorrow), they do do that, combo hitter, shadow strands, infectious, is an infection itself, disease, edit visited, one word swapped, on Feb 17, year 2015, took place time zone, horizontal sphere, tundra space, that's the terrain, no tropical or temperate forest here ah
Downer Male 太多太多了
- the actual number of authentic real Aryan male is simply not there to combat the onslaught of various expansionist cancer
- those other male types that seem to be on our cause are either
- fully believes self are the authentic types, but in actuallly aren't
- been trained by their mother to be one of us
- claimed all of ownership and benefit respective to its chosen culture since its younger days
but are not from our breeds, directly speaking, as their fathers lacked full faith, and were sort've outsiders, though not by distant amounts
Zionism Attitude / Fantasy / Le Dream
Why YOU wanna conquer the world?
- stuck in teenager mindset still?
- what childplay comic book are you reading again?
- no man can ever conquer the world, it's impossible
- plus, it's not meant for YOU to do it, ur mother ain't smart enough to tell u this, I do on its behalf
- you can't control anybody nor the world. Can you stare at people all day, restrict them from producing children? If you can't ever do that, then the rest of it u also can't
Look at urself more, less on map, Zionist 1850-born gay geeks
Ur mom was too nice of a lady, mothers from Asia slap their sons, they deal cruelty, surpresses us, while apparantly urs let u crazy-minded kids showered with encourgement and freedom to do whatever want right? damn so lucky. lucky by this alone, let's not began on the geographical unfairness ev'en
ooooOoooo oooooOooooo OO0OO oooooOooooo ooooOoooo
My Home, My Farm
Satanic energy can be easily crushed by righteous divine embrace.
Joking, that above was slogan.
Serious-ly speaking, it will take a mighty holy warrior to crush satanic forces entirely.
Satanic forces are strong in particular that they sacrifice family responsibilities, plus other upkeeps like social eloquetry, longitivtiy and such, for greater specializations in whichever strand of talents that is potent. While others get 50 units of energy, they can get 66 units. Mind power and puzzle-solving skills being something that stacks on itself and stacks exponentially give high award to those that hyper-focused and hyper-specialized into this field.
Courage, encourgment (self-encouragement) and encouragement to others is the best way to crush demonic energy, shadow forces. It is not best way to defeat darkness by focusing on how to directly defeat darkness. Even with decisive strikes accomplished, the taint itself may convert the hero into demonic form of himself, which wouldn't occur otherwise!
Fact De Fact
Today's science community is as authentic as ever before,
it's shaped like a Muslim crowd now,
very much filled with the real thing.
7 Things About Women
1. Women are interesting economic assets
2. Women are great liabilities for a well-financed business
3. All life forms used to be unilateral (asexual) until someone did the trading with Lord of Sin - Lord Yog'Saron, currency accepted was soul shards. Soul crystals had to be broken in order to be soul shards, by the way
4. Women are data entries on my demographic chart
5. Women had installed the desire for them in us, by the way, and they did not do perfect work of it
6. Sisters are all alike, men are all different, because men used to be real life forms, and these are an exclusive alien specie
7. Those that do not wish to break from the Matrix, I forgive you. Those that aren't, come with me, we can build a proper world again (joking). Know this: women is not our opposite gender; they are not humans, or a type of humans; they are viruses near our sizes, resemble us in DNA to large quantity, capable in conducting communications and forming "relationship" with us - they are viruses with 2-legs that highly resemble us, and are not an "opposite gender"
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Zionism 0_115431_5566773388991010
• Zionism will soon be dead. Its buildings be underfunded, headquaters unkept, followers diminished, plus: recongnition abandoned, and prominence vanished
• a religious-like organization with stagnant faith and vacant art, erodes away from passing of time
• the Zionist bird, ego, had reached pinnacle heights, not to stay nor return, but to fall, rapidly and deeply descend into the ground - living up to the prophecy "higher they climb, harder they fall"
• upon this fall, they will never return. They remind me of a special kind of virus - ones that are mighty, but came at the expense of missing abilities to replicate itself - during the duration of its existence, others would tremor under its reign, once it's gone, things restore to beforetimes again, and it seize to ever re-appear
• Zionism manages to stayed for this long, almost 295 years (an unexact date), mainly to do with its "trade-off" with the empowerment and vastly elevated prominence of the sheepies, which the zionist leaders do not see but instead uses their "longitivity" as credits or proofs of their success. This thought of theirs take place in despite of the level of info and high view they could get/obtain
Z means death
Zion means death central hub => death city => citadel
Zionism means [self-explainatory]
The opposite of Zionism is life-ism, something that is un-named, and probably shouldn't be named ever. Things that are normal are not put in literal format and sense.
After Zionism, there would be life.
I shall be the new Zionist leader.
I shall control world economy,
I shall build an even bigger collection of rare substance and materials.
The globe will for the first time be unified finally
(metaphorically speaking)
xXx Horror Cycle xXx
当今巍旻(Virmin, aka United States)社会贪婪腐败,国败道已亡,法只虚飘渺之物,相互尊重,以善理人等,已经不虚存在,成口头之物也。一新开始才能扶其去正路也。
X 50 = 所有有道德着死,所有有钱者活。
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✐ How Virus Looks Like
- They are a disgrace
- They have nothing to do with us, but act like they care about us
- What's their donation to charitible cause has been?
- Within this image, there are 0 Mozart, 0 Steve Jobs, but they sure got Mozart's CDs and Steve Jobs's cellphones, how did this happen
- wanna see how mass birth defects look like? this is a great photo
- mass mediocrism, mass virus, mass cancer behavior captured perfectly and enigmatically in one photo
- these [are] the human version of poisonous type of creatures
- They don't care about Moscow, nor any of us. But will continue to "prey" due to "religious needs" on a "religious holiday" to "worship" a "God"
- In reality, they are actively conducting the invasion of public townhalls and streets in non-violent/passive-aggresive manner, an act of war.
- These preyers differ from every other religious group on earth in that: it's mass-scaled, it's malicious, and does in no way resemble the traits of a real religious gathering
These are not prayers, these are prey-ers.
There is no religious reason behind it, other than an excuse.
These are birth defects with cunning desires, and an neverending fuss of hate.
Upon mass arrest, they will cry out victim, protest more violently, under the same old guise, like the bitchy hagger returning to scream more.
They bring shame to every human out there. As a shamed human, I now feel little way of facing my pets and other wonderful creatures in this diverse world.
- quiz them, any of them read "the book"?
- they are lesser knowledged in this religion of theirs than our guys that are supposedly not a member
- these are angry mobs using a risky excuse, to disrupt society, and terrorize harmony, similar to a giant bitch divided into a thousand pieces
- next thing they could do is say everyday is a religious holiday, and these streets were built by their "God"
- it's a gang. Whatever the word religion means they are using it wrong
- occupying streets for vile intent and sadistic reasons are acts of war outlined in our religious textbooks
Additional Tags: like all birth defects, everytime such birth-defects go online to see news, it's to see whether their criminal nature has been spotted, like a weed that landed, thrived, lived, and then removed, just another waste of chapter in stories of history,
Case Study 259ZT-2044839F4: Criminal Behavior
— are those sheeple completely-innocent males hard workers, big contributors to society?
— state media has focused all its attention on terror groups such as Al Qaida and Taliban, while has not mentioned these criminals even once. I believe this needs to change
— in fact the thieves scout the news channels to see are they getting spotted on news and in which level they are. They get estatic feeling when they surprisingly findout authority does not notice them
— status of the state has gone utter rubbish mess, on which I think the world leaders are under threat and mind control for their lack of direct and clear announcement, though themselves know
— well, I am kind've speechless right now, what can I really say, other than: these are the new royals, these males that done nothing and can't do nothing, who has terrorized society and neighborhood and everybody else rule the street. It is true that none dares to provoke them, no one dares to threaten them, they are invulnerable, they get to do this misbehavior freely, and entirely out of self-utter-pride. Now, when a criminal is proud of its act, we can bet the whole planesphere is messed
— the fancy wears they managed looted, themselves very much know: showing off, or any even utter provokative and taunting gesture or moves with it would bring about the consolidation of this extreme favorable position - such, is the perfect thinking of a perfect example of a hyena scoudel human
— these hyenas, take a good look at their attitudes and faces (though are hidden, yes, at sametime a good thing), want us to react to their current image, they want us be provoked. Seeing their criminal behavior thus far, there is a definite good fight coming to them in the future
#1 Menace = Sheeples, Sheeples want us believe they are equal to and are sons of Piccasso
1) wrong to regard sheeples as weaker version of us
2) wrong to expect sheeples one day will evolve to a piccaso or hans zimmers
3) wrong to view sheeples as same class of humans as us
4) sheeples have fundamental differences from normal beings
5) mistake to think common and vastly-numbered commoners are equilvalent to rare and irreplacble talents
6) sheeples kidnap presidents and hijack their minds through dramatic reanactment under the guise of protest, or dinner invitation, or party participation - sheeples have the potent ability of hijacking someone across the distance for a few minutes (distant hijacking)
Something is not quite right here
When one feels tremendous life difficulties, guess which group gets the blame, all the anger and hate for it? The group in control. People would gather and protest toward them, they would design their slogans and banners with world leader's photos. Though are the authority necessarily the ones responsible, always, at full responsibilities? So why is this mismatch there. Could it be there that we are all under mind-control by another force, an invisible powerful group of some sort? We should inquire, examine every evidence and their inter-relations, be investigating this thoroughly
Every single tendency to blame someone for one's cruel suffering tends to be a knee-jerk automatic reaction toward famous leaders or stars. This happens across the globe. Though are these leaders all that powerful, has inflicted suffering and pain to this many citizens? Even the celebrities who had not been ever no way involved could be casted for the blame? Something for certain is not quite right here
— sheeple peasants never get blamed for anything, they have not been blamed for even once if we tally up protests in anywhere
— sheeples each have little capabilities and skills, but with their numbers, the samething are accomplished
— whoever doesn't get pointed finger at, are they not the true rulers and the highest rulers then?
Curse to the Sheeples
1) tries to add a lot of unecessary tension
2) they are not even spirited same as ours
3) endless harassment and threats while getting paid well, imagine what becomes if these royal treatment dissappear
4) they care nothing of us, these soft killers are gonna step on our grave with message of thankyou
5) an number-based, source of overpopulation, this horizontal-spread bunch by this trait alone, which indicates their irresponsibility, cannot be trusted at all
6) sheeples bite in number-based format, each strike barely cause pain, hardly noticiable. But it's done in hundreds in a day, which add up to a murder.
Sheeples will not survive past year 2045 the latest, 2019 the earliest.
Their liberty will be confisticated. That is at least one of my determined wish.
Such hanous criminal bio amass has zero chance of returning to innocent.
Monday, 28 July 2014
Guide for Future World Leaders - Guide on Becoming and Being a Real Future Leader
"What is supporter today can easily become traitors tomorrow"
"Never forget that there is more similarities and narrower differences between a friend and traitor than traitor and enemy"
"A fence to lock others out may turn into a palace to keep you in"
"Never forget who you do this for"
"Leader leads, we are not to become servants of anyone, but the principles and values we believe in"
"A citizen who wears ethnic identitywares like clothing or hats at far greater frequency than the founder of these ethnic or religious groups probably knows nothing about of the riches, and everything on the surface and of the bland."
"Bringing in security forces closer may not be always better. Sometimes absolutely zero security is the best security."
"Security forces share more commonalities with kidnappers than with unfriendlies" — El Horneymei Taro aka Al Hormeiney
The Stretch Work Done by Monogamy Policy
Time Span: 1750 to now for USA, Europe
1920 to now for China
1948 to present for Japan
2006 to present for Iraq (semi-active in service in city region)
Central Ideas: Monogamy has hindered growth of gene pool for male grender in partiular
Until monogamy is uplifted and is reconized by state as alien element of society, genetic will continue to decline, and there would continue be more numbers of variety of offsprings with problematic genetics
Males below the center horizontal line are below-tolerance level, the minimum standards for society, society that's healthy and sustainable specifically
While the most imp-like hideous males had rapidly increased, the number of semi-odd or quarterly ones too had increased. They fill up seats in governments, in finance sector, in language & arts sector, in food catering, in anywhere. But the number of normal male is simply not there to have a successful argument or spreading their voice from their positions in any confrontative scenarios - fending off the onslaught of mass numbers of "oddball" males is near impossible in direct manners or situations.
Female gene take a far lesser hit. Though with the decline of fertile enough, and normal enough may I add, men, overall health of the gene pool has vastly decreased.
Combined with the dissapearance of men's social status and economic strength, plus shortage of demand of laborwork, education system problems and overall faminizations of society, the tradition and spirit of the men had decayed to below monkey ancient people all time low. Technology has became more "advanced", though it's more so an self-insisted fanatic view, and is like a crooked runner burning out its last remaining radiance that's all inside, food has became more abandunt, transportation have become more convenient making the world smaller, information has exploded, but the genetic, tradition, discipline, courge, and spirit of the man has definately declined to a sweage lowlife level. Alongside with this meteor down-to-earth dip, national unity, longitivity of each person, the sense of community and many other, needless to mention, had also become an all time historical low. For the first time in history, both recorded and unrecorded history, both before and after arrival of agrilcuture, the generosity, humility, humbleness, appreciation, honor of men has become below that of a roach-slime hybrid type of creature - sewage slimes, dread sludges.
State of Justice Address
Sheeples are making their own puking laws.
They are doing this in Russia.
They are doing this in Spain,
in Sierra Leon,
in the Phillipines,
in Thailand,
in Laos,
in Bavaria,
in Brazil,
in Bolivia,
and many other places.
(not trying to pick anyone out here, these nations were examples)
- sheeples had successfully obtained economic dominance
- they are now the #1 economy group in many what used to be 1st world nations
- following USA's lead as example model, many other democracies and others plunged down the same wrong dance move
- sheeples plan to consume and eat up more areas
- they enjoy generating fuss and confusion. The inconfidance they been trying to maintain on us is their favourite dish, something they feed off of
- math may not be their best subject, but one thing they are experts of is knowing how to keep their current situation and expand further beyond - they know well that inconfidance from us means inactivism, and activism in other hand is the mother of arrest to these foul elements within society
- tension arises every time such topics are mentioned, while sending long pages of written insults to any of our guys seem to be tasks of ease, how can this have any logic behind it? Someone must've brainwashed into having such habit. Taking sheeples out should be a light and joyous task, it's nothing inproper, it's everything righteous, one should be radianting with passion while supporters give out their support, also done without any slight tension involved. The tension around those subjects and topics appear to be doings of sheeples. When a dog gets killed, there is far lesser frown, tension, sensation and feeling of stunned-fulness and stalment so to speak. Things seem odd that the mere suggestion of erasing 5 million sheeples for a first trial makes the office room uncomfortable when all of us believe the samething - there should be zero tension, but filled with ease and regular atmosphere instead - someone must've done something to made it into this way.
Additional Tags: Yes, a mutant - fiend - amass, of bio material that could spin itself for more copies of itself, set the alarms, United Nations appear to be under their control, completely, mind-controlled, no one dares to critisize the public amass, what gives, aren't we treating them like emperors and kings, they are malfunctional entities, clever in some areas, they had achieved economic dominance, political control, overwhelming financial precence, governments have become about them, they kill through betray and abandonship, they mistreat others whenever can, these soft-killers kill in their own way, claims they are nice and innocent and legitimate beings because they don't do it in the samurai way, well they aint' samurais, rofls, an unfunny funny story, invasion force of zergs, onslaught of scourge, void of courge, lives off of bare lips, became massive number, ok enough review about the past, let's look into the future, when will someone denounce these 6 billion whopping freaks, they've gotten everything under control, politicians correspond to them, nearly every policy revolves around them, every business is associated with them, every corporation markets to them, our competitors are called war criminals, our own guys are labelled weirdos, we are crazy, the sheeples found this civilization, they had invented everything from electricity to computers, sending satellites to space, and putting the international space station there,
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