

Thursday 24 July 2014

The Other Violence Type, aka the Real Actual Violence

- goes violent, out of bounds, picking on purpose, purposed hostile voice, aggresive tone, ugly demonstration of beyond absurdism - and labels all of such as not violence for because it's not raging in absolute matter, well you ain't someone who is a wrestler, so of course this constitutes violence, it's something out of bound for your mood, your type, for who you are.

- my biological mother if that indeed is my biological mother belongs to one of those foul-b!tchism type.  The future looks like this suffering will stay with and not away from me for quite a duration.  It's a curse that had a lasting impact on me, and looks like will continue for a while-ey.  I try to convert all rotten incomings into cookies, in keeping with this life-long principle, these torment of extreme magnitude have become viewed as chances for experiencing all aspects of life - the both ends of the luck spectrum - also as "dumping" of bad luck so to guarantee emptied anymore bad luck in the future fate

- this "mother" of mine feels body discomfort, then proceeds to launch barrage of angry shout, when it's supposed to be dumped into an object, someone else not in the room, and certainly not an innocent who had absolutely nothing to do with its fuss or anger or confusion in reality - an absolutely none amount.  Is this illness caused by double triple layer of personality disorder all put together.  And you know what, this behavior of this "mother" is the true definition of a personality disorder, often others ones I had seen are either categories of false accusations, mis-usage of terms or the undertone ones.

- how does it dare to really inflict to a guy like me, explicitly speaking it all out: I am technically the cutest and most moral person in the world.  Any mother would probably cherish me like some blessing from God, feeling heart-swarmed, a sensation of pleasement and comfortness upon seeing me.  And bam, the polar reactions happen, each every time.  This "mother", code named lyghd, must be someone with extreme problems on the anatomy side, and this "father" probably ain't no good either as it tolerates (had always been tolerating) sight of this behavior.  The anatomy dysfunction likely be not just hormone dysfunctions (imbalance hormones), and light central nerve configuration problems.

- probably in the world does exist no man who could (later added: also) withstand the onslaught of these shadowbolt barrages, metaphorically speaking.  The pure incoherancy, its verbal pronounciation, the breathing pattern, the timing of the abruption, the sheer intensity of its screeches, the scraping concrete sound, shards of broken glass vocals, spelled beyond horror.  If it weren't for my almost lunatic self-confidance, I would've long time be gone I bet, due to these attacks, same would anyone else in this world I believe who has ears and eyes and other features.  I will skip over all the little details, the event's invisible "topic" and "reasons" for its screaming shouts, and get to this summary point: it was a torture event conducted randomly, chosen at rapid sudden unexpected timing, one of monumental scale in its horror.  Whoever can withstand this, you can withstand all ugliness of foul humanoids and their brutality.  I salute to whoever else could withstand my "mother"'s treatment.
+ John McCain Fry's story about his suffering in Vietnam is probably 1/10000th of 1% compared to this one I go through, and it happens almost been everyday.  Oh hm now that I think of, it has indeed been everyday, oh god  *cold chuckles* heh heh  *sniffles*
+ I had to activate my lizard mode to ease the sensations of pain, that's how much it is.  Like every other activation of lizard modes, for the rest of the day as well stuff earlier the day, becomes a way to go to enjoy the morning!  Repeation of these good ol' torture event has made the person well familiar with the sensation of pain from all kinds of wounds from war
+ The topics are different almost everytime, they are sometimes in chunks (dragged on over a week) but is played in irregular interval, while the "barrage" is nevertheless almost the same.  All of this mentioned makes me wander if this "mother" of mine is some kind've hired staff sent by the FBI and CIA to run experiments on me or something.  Or perhaps paid by aliens from Mars to collect droplets of dreadfulness from me which they value to be the most prized goods in this solar system.

Additional Tags:  woot coleslow and spicyham, yeah, woot, and yum, guys please enjoy,  converter, optimizer,  optimus guardian,  los happyta,  latin expert, scholar, expert in latin,  scriptures, philosophy,  wishful thinking, proverbs, life-long ambition,  motto to abide,   balance, fate, events, future events, balance of luck, total amount of luck, average of luck is fairly even,  convergeance to a single point,  when a person born, a corresponding amount of luck is assigned to him,  once he suffered many bad luck, the good luck will become relative more abundant, oh is that so, yes,  but of course has to be happenings of actuality, no tampering, no artificial self-deception, there, of any kind, in play,  yep has to be one hundred percent authentic,  it's the happening in actuality gonna count,  has to be the actuality, aye, what happens in reality in other words, yes yeps,  |post did not take long to generation, long time to produce,  rapid typer, rapid typist, speed typing, mass production, logistics, speed production,  national gross product,  production rate,   the reality that wonders, amusment, pyramid,  may not be the fastest, but for sure ain't took no difficulty in remembering,  sine graph, mood swings, up and down,  extremism and radical Islam may not be acceptable,  extremism of any kind essentially ain't, yeps I agree, I concur,   person to person basis, transmission, outdoors, gathering of people,  events, celebrities,  outcomes,  tag section that's it for now, --,  many other points missed by the way, many further details could be added, ain't the whole picture yet, far away from that, indicating this here, by the way,   (This is perhaps the only actual violence, it is senseless, utter fiendish torteous),  the real kind of violence, unkind, sadistic, fiendish, senseless, irrationale, placement of morals missing,  faulty configuration of the nerve system,  anatomy hormone disbalance,  sickly, sickly delayed, unliving, undead, ghoul, crypt fiends,  vacant of joy and comfort types of humanoids,  true real violence type, underwork, necro,  evaluation,  mouther,   for each section, total of 5 main parts, many points could be added, additional ones,  ok I am completed, there, that's it for now,

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