

Sunday 20 July 2014

Proliferations for Life

Rule 1:
Staying away from bad quality of humans is crucial, for the reasons:
- any contact disturbs/taints the soul
- contact can mean hanging out as guard and inmate, or investigating them
- they force in many ways the guard to turn more like them, regardless what's on the mouth or on show
Work positions that deal with problematic humans should be counted as dirty work

Rule 2:
Knowing the bad substance want us to believe there is only good substance and no bad substance - bad substance does not exist or rarily exist.  They usually attempt to achieve this through making us unsee the whole area and by diminishing the activity of investigating or checking itself

Rule 3:
All true invalid will try to look legit.
While all true valid will joke around being inlegit.
That is base level 1.  Above bases involve them adapting to this said rule.

Hyena humans will pose as Chinese people advocating for human right to eating dogs.
Hyena humans will disguise as Muslim population fighting for equality.
Hyena humans will mask self as immigrants seeking asylum.

Almost never a hyena human would call self a title that's lesser legitimate and respectful than what they are, with the exception being adaptations to this said principle.

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(Ohio, Floridaville)  Writer: James Homes   Published on: 3:33pm, July 20th, 2014 

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