

Monday 28 July 2014

State of Justice Address

Sheeples are making their own puking laws.

They are doing this in Russia.
They are doing this in Spain,
in Sierra Leon,
in the Phillipines,
in Thailand,
in Laos,
in Bavaria,
in Brazil,
in Bolivia,
and many other places.

(not trying to pick anyone out here, these nations were examples)

- sheeples had successfully obtained economic dominance
- they are now the #1 economy group in many what used to be 1st world nations
- following USA's lead as example model, many other democracies and others plunged down the same wrong dance move
- sheeples plan to consume and eat up more areas
- they enjoy generating fuss and confusion.  The inconfidance they been trying to maintain on us is their favourite dish, something they feed off of

- math may not be their best subject, but one thing they are experts of is knowing how to keep their current situation and expand further beyond - they know well that inconfidance from us means inactivism, and activism in other hand is the mother of arrest to these foul elements within society

- tension arises every time such topics are mentioned, while sending long pages of written insults to any of our guys seem to be tasks of ease, how can this have any logic behind it?  Someone must've brainwashed into having such habit.  Taking sheeples out should be a light and joyous task, it's nothing inproper, it's everything righteous, one should be radianting with passion while supporters give out their support, also done without any slight tension involved.  The tension around those subjects and topics appear to be doings of sheeples.  When a dog gets killed, there is far lesser frown, tension, sensation and feeling of stunned-fulness and stalment so to speak.  Things seem odd that the mere suggestion of erasing 5 million sheeples for a first trial makes the office room uncomfortable when all of us believe the samething - there should be zero tension, but filled with ease and regular atmosphere instead - someone must've done something to made it into this way.

Additional Tags: Yes, a mutant - fiend - amass, of bio material that could spin itself for more copies of itself,  set the alarms,  United Nations appear to be under their control, completely,  mind-controlled,  no one dares to critisize the public amass, what gives,  aren't we treating them like emperors and kings,  they are malfunctional entities,  clever in some areas,  they had achieved economic dominance, political control, overwhelming financial precence, governments have become about them,  they kill through betray and abandonship, they mistreat others whenever can,    these soft-killers kill in their own way, claims they are nice and innocent and legitimate beings because they don't do it in the samurai way,  well they aint' samurais, rofls,  an unfunny funny story,  invasion force of zergs,  onslaught of scourge,  void of courge,  lives off of bare lips,  became massive number,  ok enough review about the past, let's look into the future,  when will someone denounce these 6 billion whopping freaks,  they've gotten everything under control, politicians correspond to them, nearly every policy revolves around them,  every business is associated with them,  every corporation markets to them,   our competitors are called war criminals, our own guys are labelled weirdos,  we are crazy, the sheeples found this civilization, they had invented everything from electricity to computers, sending satellites to space, and putting the international space station there,

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