

Sunday 27 July 2014

〓〓〓◤ Disorder 〓〓〓

      Slowly the healthy male genes are getting replaced by this rapid tumour growth of failure males.  This title "failure male" consists of a huge variety of oddities and virus-like humanoid types.  One thing they share in common: they represent no culture, they are ruthless and soft, they will never stand up for their nation, and are sons of real dogs that keep hide themselves by convinently accusing "their" mothers and sisters as "bitches".
How did they manage to arrive?
When a girl, created by monogamy policy, gets left alone, for large sum of years.  Having no parents around, no elders, no guardians, and few contacts with their already few "closest friends", upon seen a guy, any guy, they'd view them as attractive, especially considering how
- the state media had never condemned them, for some reason, itself is a great topic
- the hideous laying in wake managed to loot nice guy's clothes
- the failure males making huge risk moves, gambling with their lives and well-being, and future chance of survival
- the girl had been heavily misinformed about preception of the world - who is good, who is bad, what is true definition of vile person, who is around them, which kind've people are in this society, the nature and capabilities of all areas of those males
- state government welfare had made sure even the most cunning fiendish losers have a car, chance to loot great looking new clothing (if they choose to dare), given licence to purchase shampoo and obtain many other luxury goods.  This makes the failure guys posing to the girls look far more legitimate.  Now they could cheat better
- social seperation.  Presence of monogamy make sures social atmosphere be one about seperation: young girls seperate from other girls in fear of conflicts.  Men seperate further too due to seperation of their wives and partners.  The young girls grow up turn into mothers, being seperated by this invisible force from monogamy, does little in bringing their children together in parties and social gatherings.  Sometimes these things are not said, and are not visible.  But it's there, it exists, and sits there behind doors and corners, bringing that tension at the back whenever they can.  Inanimate beings indeed drive around this world

The very bad thing about these failure males is that, now they are functionality viruses - they will carry on the same algorithm as before.  With each success turnout, they will become enhanced in their virus-illness behavior.  They will do things to ensure their chance of mates, not fighting for one unlike how society had always been before.  They will do tricks and acting scenes using their show-talent, to increase their appearances and legitimacy.  They will never spend a single hour in practicing strength and being capable, but all efforts be spent on looking great and seemingly great.  Once they reach a critical number, the majority, which they now have as of this year two thousand forteen, they will now have (gain) the ability to change social notions and preceptions at will, squeeze and group-target any legitimate male, permanently turning every son in this country into a nation of frauds like themselves are.  A few generation after then, the normal males would be in small pockets, like little sanctuaries of squirrels hiding in neatly dugged holes dodging the onslaught of chainsaw and other woodcutting machines.  Many experts in this field believes that's what's going to happen quite so.  This is Wolf reporting live from Chicago, for CNN, Anderson, back to you.

You are right Wolf, as of now the smart males are being labelled and preceived as actively by most females even as "nerds" and other decredorkry terms, though it was only the failure males that believe so.  These plague had initiated it and is using disease-like group strategies and tactics implementing them at proficiency to consume more victims.  Themselves being the sole ones in bringing this rampant amass not only does not claim or ever inform us of this, they are also happen to be using state welfare paychecks to accomplish this.  Anyone not accepted by this mass gang of virus males are given the label nerd, geek, know-it-all, or any terms that would get them repulsed.  While themselves does nothing for this society, already fixiated in abandoning all social responsibility and all traits and value of a man, is fully prepared in spreading more of this illness like a large-sized tumour on someone's skin.  In additional to that, these males also seem to determined to be stuck in this mode.  What do you think of this, Erin?

I hope there is a treatment for this,  hehehehe

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