

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Weirdo Softie Ugly Brooded Males (WSUBMs)


        If it werent' for the intolerable status, we would not have began mentioning them.
        Ever wandered how so is that the totalitarian regime of this country manages to stay on for this long? At a rate far absurd to be right using the assumption that everyone around us is normal human, or even by the standard a conservative 25% of the total population are foul.


- the WSUBMs eat from within, they pose like us, they act like us
- with the education system being a closed-door concentration camp-like farming facilities, combined with this much social fragmentation and stranger-to-stranger shufflement, very easily they could slip under the watch this whole time, and never be found
- like a pile of incoherant sludge that somehow has eyes and functional legs, these shameless utterly moral-empty filth will continue with their softie, junkish, no-shame ways, risking their lives staying here, under the cracks made by the system, for as long as they can, for as long as it's better than "out there in the real world"
- WSUBMs carry the perfect traits of a perfect example of an insider enemy - someone that deals damage by being amongst ourselves, directly operating under the lime light, being closest to their enemy
- their undoings are fairly subtle, making them extra hard to notice, especially thanks to these noisy TV shows and sirens and so on
- WSUBMs are also referred to as the "small lord of hates (hate spawns)".  The giant hole dug by the initial cult masters became excellent nourishment holes for these smaller versions that later arrived and began their own feasting thereon
- eeriely wielding their b!tch moves like their true power and greatest strength
- are the pinnacle and true definition of the word b!tch
- exploitors of abnatural order, this citadel regime, largely came empowerized from faulty policies by the system, plus the giant maggot hole dug by the cult master initially which they could utilize as an exploitable - turnsout, they benefit far greater from the maggot holes which were dug by the giant maggot lords, the cult of the damned.  In addition they paid no price in maggot-building it
- these sorry monogamy-stemmed broodling bunch failure ugly ugly danceless males, such biological junks: will do anything it can, with no b!tch shame, using its b!tch moves, to pollute the atmosphere, ensuring a friendship-less, junkish, sorrowful, whithered and downed social environment, so that they, themselves would have greatest advantage, when counting in the usage of 'they', where was their existence even valid!  
- it'd be irrateful matter for me to mention the inquiry question: whether they would help the society a bit, any of us a little at all? (would they ever lend a hand to a needy! Would they!)
- some of them may not all that much look squishy.  Girls can tell them apart though, they good at seeing their true nature.  (assumed, and yes must be in a non-drunk shadow environment, explictly speaking).  But these failure males will never bother with improving. They like it this way, like being in their current mode, would not ever try to improve, stuck being a coward, and forever a coward!
- at instances where we recall, many of us have, some grotesque inhumane spit posted online, it was these ones, and always had been exclusively from these types. 
- they want to chizzle this place dead
- senselessly and always (persistently) barraging into the social atmosphere until all businesses shut down, everyone weakened, and the entire national body come to a halt, then they will still be doing more acting as if we are monumentally ahead - these are viruses.  Thus had attained the name: b!tchy, cancer, ugly, weirdo, failure males.  (BCUWFMs)

On a side note: to think how many leaders of previous nations had fallen in war and such, and were bought to trail.. while these mass broodling faker impostery invalid failure ugly-ugly males going lah-di-dah at "home", not once, completely not reconized by media, broadcasted once on television at a slight hint of their grotesque traits and their true natures/identities!  Then who is in control of this country, sir


(note: rapidly typed, the entire section was under) (some parts best viewed with rapid reading speeds)

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