

Sunday 27 July 2014

The Genetic Decline

■  The genetic decline in this country has been more on male's side, than the women's

■  The genetic decline came in a sort've covert manner and came in several ways

■  It's due to wars, it's due to monogamy, and also due to the ugly tentacle freaky-ness of wussy males.

  • several wars has caused vast number of males to die, in dysproportion scales to the females.  While within the statistics, something is hidden - these males had almost exclusively been the ones that carry characteristics of bravery, in short words: almost a flat-out exclusive brave males out of the whole variety had been the ones died in those wars.  And is not an equal average pull of specimen of everyone under the label "male"
  • monogamy made sure that the top premium (most attractive and other descriptions and such) have greatly fewer sons than normal order.  The rest of it are stuff needless-to-mention.  Junk males end up chased by girls.  This opens up heavy exploitation room for many freakish psycho virus-like males.  Now they get a host, and get to stay on, and duplicate their virus-illness DNA.
  • wussy males' existence had sealed the deal.  They are such freaks in my opinion that they deserve a whole new classification, and be broadcasted on international television. State policies and wrong teachings given, deprivations also and such had boosted their ability to get mates by a considerable amount minimal-ly. 

    The genetic decline had been rapid.  People that cared, good for them.  Few managed to pull out a great essay on this, having all the key points written.  Well, that fact itself is a great proof of the existence of this decline isn't it, hehe.  Kids that are 90s born are visiblely crappier from oversight perspective than 60s born.  And the 60s born are also visiblely weaker than the 1890s born, by a drastic amount.  People shouldn't count on the doctors and social scientists to tell them about this.  Most of those are posers who are in the "career position for the dollar".  Someone who actually cares about this and address would be me, an overwatcher, someone maxed out on himself already, and has the time and capacity of afford to care others and concern fairly distant-to-self issues.  Other folks below the tier of "Ace" has few reasons to care and be really having an idea about this issue.  If he does and is not an "Ace" category, likely is someone who plagerized, copied someone's work,  someone who is an evil mastermind genius or someone like me.  Those are the three possible possibilities.
    The male gene, contrast to people's knowings and even further contrast to their self-preception and the appeal they cast of themselves: rapidly declines over time.  The decline happens per generation.  I currently evaluate the decline of quality at 15% amount.  So to combat this, the logical thing to do of course would be to make sure the average male that does perform the reproduction work is at least +15%, to counterweight that minus, makes sense, right?  
    The females naturally know this.  The female genes do not naturally decline from this "mechanism", but also does in a far distant/indirect way: first the male gene (XY chromosomes) decline, because of this decline, the overall ability to have healthy children and pass down other genes along become effectively less for the male ("father", sometimes).  This in return results in the decrease of other genes for that side of the egg, so the gene mix and swap takes place, a newborn cell appears with an overall net decrease on every gene and far greater in the male gene component if it happens to be a male that is, and the rest are self-explainatory.  Girls sub-conciously know this fact.  They are unable to speech it, let along strategicly write an article onabout.  They seem to have this inability, which is caused by the disconnection of their thought compontent and sub-concious mind, of transferring this knowing to the concious side.
    Something on the side, by the way, most of this stuff about genes, reproduction mechanism and all are much abstract stuff: precise logic and proves work less in effiency than intuition and principle summary often than not.  Best way to explain this stuff would be to sometimes unexplain it.  Not everything could be explained in here, we will never know the exact-exact mechanisms (whoever scientist claims they do know, they are still scientists, just are on the phony side now), but a general picture, and the input and output (beginning and result) can be known to fair precision.  Whoever claims they know anywhere close to me should upload a video of themselves doing some task, to show us the splendid supremeness they had managed to achieve because of their genius, 'cause surely someone that knows so much knows how to make themselves super awesome right?  Only in time of a tie, having two Aces on the battlefield could people question my words.  In times of an Ace vs a 4 or a 5, the Ace being bigger, bypass the argument and debate stage.  Only in times of a tie, would the question "who is better" be proper to have it raised.
    Human male gene rapidly declines overtime, to combat this, quality male to reproduce is needed, for the sake of combatting this loss, this degeneration.  The practice of monogamy prohibits fortification of excellence, it worships disintergration and decline.  The social practice of polygamy on the other hand helps fighting the dege, does well in doing so, may sometimes cause rapid genetic improvements.  A slight polygamy practice may not improve genetic, but would certainly sway things to otherwise rapid decline of the gene pool.  So in other words, polygamy does not guarantee improvement of gene, but rather fights off the rapid decline - when girls all want David Beckham or George W Bush it's not due to their "hungry-thirst" or anything of guilt - they are trying to fight the hideous degeneration of mankind!  They are trying to help!  And even achieving success of mating, the rise of gene is not guaranteed, so this whole thing the girls been wanting to do are to combat dege, and not ensure success even.

    To make male gene stronger, and it's almost a most crucial focus of any human groups, there are several things they can do:
- physical exercise, training, having the spirit of work
- being normal minded, of course-io
- no hyena, no thief attitude, no cheater behavior or goblin-imp-like thoughts
- until hottest guy is absolutely occupied in schedule, does the beta male start getting selected
- practice natural flow, restrictions that are absurd and does not flow with natural order are alien forces (elements) then
- sending the cowards to wars this time, and not the nice guys

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