

Monday 21 July 2014

Cause of Crazy

      Over the years we've seen a surge of smart (by usage of smart here we mean the people that graduated college but not much intergrity or good characters) beings going crazy.  This exponential increase came about in the last century, since the beginning of age of motors.
      Many have wandered the cause of crazy.  Is it genetics, or is it due to stress are some of the common questions.  Our group knows that:
0. we define crazy as being sick or as ill (in the nerve spectrum, not the physical health), not as disagreeing or in distress attempting to accomplish a wish or determined goal
0.1. many population these days especially in cities have moderate level of crazy.  They (possess the trait of) are overly uncomfy, excessive negative, operating like a negative spawnling, blockading trust and health from flourishing, filled with those types of actions and such, etc.
0.7. we view "crazy" as a failure or breakage of the central nerve system of an organism, not to be mixed with someone pushed to the edge or on hormone overflow.  The breakage is a mechanical thing, occurs whenever damage has been received, which for now we think exclusively commonly come from jamming of the roads due to longterm nerve signal traffic.  The breakingdown of goodness of this road is similar to the mechanics of myopia
1. going mental is a unique thing to specifically the cerebral humanoids
2. many factors can contribute to increase chance of gone mad, they include
  - gone feverish, diseases and illness
  - over use of nerve systems, stress work
  - anxiety, fear, mismanagement of mental preparations
  - lack of relaxations; vacations taken
  - noisy environment, overall poor health
  - air pollution, dysfunctional or disbalanced life style
3. maintaining self-serenity helps reduce chance down to 0% completely possiblely
4. killing all retards out of this place as I am trying to type this and these overfed sheepleroach moron kids are honking bike car like a loud retard - I would never, and never came to close since I was a kid - such repulsive kid, these are over protected police shielded retard hyena humanoids, whom cleverly claim they are even remotely related to me.  See, still honking, abusing it like a mucktard, just like the way it was talking earlier - duck nonsense breathing patterns.  Ah, I am glad I keep serenity and holding it off greatly, brilliant, yep, good. (getting rid of overpopulation, source of these fuss (in actuality that is) all can help reduce number of person(s) potential to mental and chance of going crazy/mad)
5. excessive use of brain as oppose to senses increase chance of going crazy by tremendous bit
6. other factors can contribute, and sway things to worsening situations, but overall the main has to do with the person's "bodily qi" and its "structural integrity" (the overall health, and how the person uses its nerve system, and the volume in usage)
7. people with "large heads" are far more prone to become mental - these overthinkers had been overusing, trying ovely hard in fact, for a long duration without realize potential danger / secret devestating pit fall
8. people with large heads but relax in tension and usage would never have it even if malnutrition and got food poisoned slightly bit.  
9. the adjacent above type of people are usually sensor-users, much more reliant on visual, sound, smell, hearing, body language, gesture denotation than pure logic and memory
10. logic and memory users are prone to going crazy to whichever extension (light, moderate or high crazy)
10.5. notice how crazy people are craze-d, meaning they do not revert back, but will keep going more and more crazy, down the road
10.7. we firmly believe that the over-usage of the central nerve system causes crazy
10.7.1. reduction in mandatory labor work increase chance of crazy from lowered times of relaxation periods of the mind - when the arms and legs are moving, brain take turn to relax
10.7.2. combined with a self-pushing ego, the crazy volumn of demand for using brain to analyze these barrage of numbers, information, datas, street names, company names, letters, alphabets and so on could easily stress out anyone - if they don't go slightly crazy at least after living in this condition for years, they must've not been a hardworking person
11. and we believe the hardly reversible mode of crazy is a mechanical effect, caused by jamming of the nerve central highways, or in other words, we believe being crazy is a mechanical thing, not genetic or due to disease or "mental issue" whatever the hell that means. Here is the chart to demonstrate:

Name: Dr.Winwin
Date: Lab Instruments
Time: July 21th, 2014 EST
Room Temperature: hot - 31.7C
Surrounding 3rd World Chicken Slum Peasants: present
Loud 3rd World Noisy Children Duck Sounds: present


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