

Monday 20 April 2015

Cancer Zerg Paints Itself Karma

additional tags: one there one here,  unsquirrels, unlife, walnuts, hiding the nut,  appreciation, signs of a real living creature, the past, mouth,  scammers always tell facts, non-can sing ah,  pokemon masters, in contrast, of traits,  balance, martial arts, horsemen,  cancer multiplication, food, lamerist, subtle, keen,  mirror of heavenly embrace, dust of appearance,  elune's blessing, frost arrow

I) Sheeples are firmly established.

II) Their members fill up every store, shopping mall, food places.

III) If it's public, it will be invaded by mass sheeple passive-aggressivists soon.

IIII) Tourists, customer, visitor is often their general guise.

IIIII) Much of the social nations had been heavily editted by the zerg cancer.

VI) The boogeyman up there are the big fish, big cats, and the marauders which never exist nor ever raid cities or urban settlements.

VII) These are entities that all culture founders oppose to, whose existence disagrees to.
VIII) In every way, whether drain or weaken, sunder armor or siphon, these bacterial hatelings will convert as much as it cannot load (or hold) to be its slaves, so it think it can.

VIIII) 98% of consumer electronics ended up in their hands, yet they cry out tragedy and fake these discontent emotions.

VV) Upon finding of a bank machine error, metaphorically speaking, not only will they be absolute greedily hate-drivenly quiet, purpose fake actings will be done by them, and wrapped-up-ly calling the whole thing upon being spotted as non-violence.

VVI) Glutton, pudgey, exploitsome, un-appreciative, no manners, low virtues is their trait, are these not signs of a true criminal?

VVII) The cancer is rich enough for this number-based entity type to live independently of one another. Yet not once had these gave us this review, except whenever Holy One is on visit or tour.

VVIII) These are not easy mimikers and dramatizers to deal with. These are fairly advanced, for example: they have studied and brewed in shade to know purposely faking dissatisfactory while purchasing a luxury item would yield greater result than being 'honest'. So they think that is, until karma hits them.

VVIIII) These are hatelings, fools, trashlings hit altogether. Anyone of a concise thinker would've second guessed upon spotting our confidant mentioning of word karma. Everyone with slight experience knows at a poker table, if someone keeps going very confidant non-stop, it means something. Repeatedly their behaviors and actions, plus indecisions reveal those signs.

VVV) Movies and TV had given these behind-door lurkers much knowledge and intel gathering of our side of works, which of course none of them would appreciatively give back. The advanced professional smoochers had been given boostings (in other ways as well).  All of their behaviors are within the boundary set by the statements with exception being adaptation to this rule.


  Republic of Stalingrad  
  National Agency  
✩ -


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