

Thursday 2 April 2015

The Global Conspiracy

We are currently facing a monsterous global conspiracy in taking over the world, dealt by the mass overpopulation of the 9 seas.

This passive-aggressive gang use their lack of sports which gave them room for vile organs to dramatize innocent, casting themselves as fragile weaklings at sametime identical partners as the legitimate humans whom which are noble than vile.

They had effectively alienated lions, bears, pandas, from all civil liberties.  While hogging on further their endless possession received, in ambition of establishing an global zerg counterphate.

To discuss its about of becoming its current strength would draw attention onto the incapability of our statesmen and other intelligent form of geniuses, therefrom demeaning their abilities, henceward, we here mention some of the zergs' abilities:

This zerg gang's abilities include:

  • crowd conspiracy: which consists of several branches: audience cheer, staff-employee, employee-list coalition, customer opinion, product review, news story, event review
  • intimidation with a smile
  • exploitation of absurd laws
  • fake emotions: they will frown or smile for their dishonest goals
  • banking on police protection
  • feign victims: potrays tragic circumstance for desirable purposes
  • misuse of trust: hitting targets while shouting "help, someone hit me"
  • and any other ways and forms of passive-aggression

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