

Friday 17 April 2015

Opnion 92

additional tags:  tag splash, overflow,  desert, tiger, tundra, terrain, peace, talent, mythical,  tag transport(ed)

From years of notice, the best
way to not look at something, is
to not think of it at all.

Roothenchild, thou sure about doing this,
'cause we've got the good folks, rather
very honest and the dishonest criminals
whom which deserve it, bundled in one
place.  How about seperation module
and programs first.

One of the rather fabulous joke:
the humanoids that can't even help
themselves would one day be able
to identity and help us, namely,
the sheeple moaches.

Common enemies of good and evil does exist.

Things out of place, of the cycle of life and death
is the common enemy of all, all-all.

These ones idle by for some reason, drag on
years of indecision of period of whether
to continue their feeble existence or be returning
to the soil.  It'd be good if someone, 3rd party
could inform them somehow through some route
the message that not every 'living' thing is an
all-important figure, that deserve to be
self-perserved so well so to speaka, yes.

Measuring a person by its partnerships
and potential associations, characters
and traits, the originality capacity, the potential
plus the creativity, artistry level ah, plus the
whether current achievements was on privilege
(luckified privilege) and whether its current
possessions of copy-rerouted (taken from somewhere,
in somehow manner or method), yes, ya.

It is true ah, aye, that our folks should
be to supporting our guys, and voting
against the elected peasantism as well
as the bodies: elected peasants.  It is
occasional that some would be infected,
and/or under sheeple zergs' intimidation
to the extend of no (empty of) such knowing,

–》  For the 'geniuses', know-it-alls, fact memorizers,
as well as others, intelligence isn't their strength,
intelligence is their weakness.

–》  In theory (on paper), the millions of peasantoids
appear as poor.  In the reality, the poors are the
billionaires, and the rich are those ever so innocent
and fragile peasantoids.

We can verify with the three facts
here we present:
 • Billionaire Watson believes: those hobbies and access are amnenities unworthy of 'rich person's choice', despite how the poor would be someone without having tried this delicacy
 • the 'rich' are busy holding onto the concept of rich, while the 'poor' rarily cares, and plain get to.  In addition, keeps growing bigger in numbers.  Today they consist of 98% of consumer cellphone purchases
 • the billionaires are nearly all doing the practice of 'hollowrification', where they retract from normal lives, and deny self of general pleasures, life's necessicities in exchange for some numbers to be proud of, kept in their boxes until they leave this world with nothing.

Results and trend continuously will be that the rich busy themselves in this world of 'is myself rich enough' while the 'poor' be doing poorer and poorer on paper & statistics, yet be blossoming in numbers.  It is now the 'riches' facing extinction, while the 'poor' blossoming in numbers.  The question we'd ask: who is really poor now

Evil, is a natural thing.  It sprouts out like grass of weeds.
One cannot hope that evil won't appear as with 
hope that there would be no mosquitoes in the wood,
but be at a stance of rather living accepting it, be bought
on propellent for the camping trip, yes yeps.

Roothenchilds perhaps had something goofy
with their moves in their mass media companies:
the featuring of erratic ones as role models.
This effectively harms both the good and the
bad kids.  While harms more so the good kids,

Sportless yet enlarged brain and fact-chewed
types are mostly quite vile.  That is of natural course.

Vilelism has a set of abilities that are absent
in the righteous tree of associated skills.

Those intellectual monsterosities be attempting
to force commitment thereonto via unecessary
and mimickery-sounding, malicious-smelling
processes and 'greetings'.  They be
seldomly provoking for alertness and arms up
unless it's their finishing combo strike moment
or adaptations to this rules.

Like any real thiefs, the psychotic vilelism
birth defect artificially kept this chemically
long and well-nourished, and emboosted
in most categories that a vilelism can be,
the tumble weeds will keep rolling and spreading
until some force intervenes.

The situation we see - it's not so much
roothenchild policies hampering down
the authentic full artist-atheltic humans,
but the defect evil aggrolings purposely
using the system to squeeze them out more.

The deges want to establish a dege counterfate
and wish to harm the authentic humans.

additional tags: situation report,  provSSokative attitude, from birth defects, fermantation-ist, n-ism,
Spawns and births carry drastic differences.

Intellectual monsterousities will idle by
watch the nation tick away and fall,
and itself would be no say and of no delight,
nor sorrow. This is the freak society should
deal with first before any bah-qaidas.

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