

Monday 13 April 2015

More on Sheeples (Short Points)

Sheeple amass dege-seek to rule the word via
"I am just weak" and similar phrases.

We are told how to feel, which thoughts
to pick, which ideas to hold, by this
"inferior" "class" of humanoids.  Could it be
then that they are, this 7 billion overpopulated
conspired-together peasant menace amass
be the actual rulers of this country
taking disguises.

It seems as though many of those vileling
looking humanoids were brooded solely
for zerg amass's war effort: to increase
their identicalis volume.  As per any uglies
are, they be dumping down poetic skills 
in trade for dege-reaped gains, dirtying 
their tendrils and the sewage-grabbing hands,
becoming greater at skill set of ugly-ism every 
hour of the way.  Our guys on other hand surely
cannot compete and beat them in those
ways, the ways of the ugly.

Our movies generate the impression of a world
filled with heroes and adventurers, motocycle bike
chases and night club meetings.  The reality is however
sheeple masses, more vilelings, more vilelings,
and further more vilelings, nearly in every major city
across the globe: not only does the 7 billion cancer
disability passive-aggro humanoidlings represent
the "poor" class, they also carry formiddable numbers
in the "middle" class, in some areas it is known
as the midlock class.

The boogeyman predators had been somehow 
whithered down and biten by the sheeple hate-filled
lamerist broodling ugly menace to very low numbers:
those viking marauders simply do not exist anymore.
And the sheeple insantiable menace doesn't stop
there: continues with the showing off of self being
the definite-strong since it had done its thing,
and not one boogeyman which there are thousands
if not perhaps millions out there has came forward
to oppose andor denounce, as well as being the definite-right.

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