

Monday 20 April 2015

Condemnation on Zerg Cancer Amass

America looks nothing culturally like Europe, which is a feature the mass peasant cancers ruthlessly exploited.

Their anaethetic sprays are perhaps the lightest, most friendly though never the less lethal to the touch spell of theirs.  Upon sight of an conversation learning toward realization of their identity, the specially trained laughter sprayer mechanisms are immediately triggered, generating an atmosphere where dismissive attitude is inclined, and focus emblundered.

Sheeples, these vilelings hold a vast set of abilities and spells, as much as the number of holy verses of lord jesus christ if not more.

Their formiddable which is growing numbers is needless of mention.  In addition: their unappreciative, moral-abandon, social exploitor, and zero-sum game dipper attitude continues.

Their reasoning box are for the goals of to duplicate pesudo-reason or to manufacture mimikeries in order to receive gains.  

Their langauge & vocabs are solely learned to speak to us.

A common mimikery of the cancer amass is how since they are frowning therefore must be an victim.  While their inventories are luxuried with looted consumer products, yet still craving more, that's the hideious dysfunction these entitites possess.

From this note, we hereby denounce any personnel with foul characteristics, passive-aggression and any anti-social attitudes & behavior.  

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