

Saturday 4 April 2015

Meaning of Passive-Aggressivism

additional tags:  tag overflow,  corpse production centre - hospitals, foul yet false names,  if weren't for sheeple, me's natural weakness, I'd attack you all,  disgrouptism, anti-life,  unhealthy minds, dis-energy

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Plateau of hideous freaks

And then, the sheeple peasant folded
his police protection into a knife, dipped
it into KFC to coat a layer of invisibility
paint, stared at the normal folks and said:

say 'good life', ok, you not want to fight me,
you want to relax, and leave your guard.
Say 'good life' now, say it.

Good, gl gl.

 ▃      ▃        ▃   ▃      ▃        ▃   ▃      ▃        

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