

Thursday 30 April 2015

Opinion 100

Lyghd's voice echoes in thy mind, before proceeding of writing some of the other points.

It'd a taintful curse one cannot get rid off.

Will it ever leave, there is a way: waiting for it to dissapate, and avoiding it from being recharged.

This beast regularly replenishes, recharges its laid out enfeeblements, could not be easily rid off, seems it is here to stay.

With its groanings & shoutings flowed to the mind, the wanted written single point meets some delay, likely will return by the tomorrow day, be remembered back.

Oh yeah, remembered, might
as well put down, turned on
machine, with slight possible
oil on the hands:  reading
those scattered un-pre-categorized
news scriptures is like eating soot.
While developing skills, or a.k.a.
skill development invests to the future,
reaps generous rewards, and stacks
very well.

With those entities' exist, things will simply go the down side, 
one indirect routing or the other.  The inevitability deserves
no explaination of detailcy.

One problem raises the other.  Two major problem with the system:
how it shuffles the nobility class with the lamerists and so on other
tiers and factions.

The nobles are deprived of their independency and are
put on dependency level to that banking cartel system,
that one, the Roothenchilds.

This was achieved not by inspiration, but by deprivation.

The dependency level pushes onward the need to gather
the cash for some petty goods which the nobles
should have naturally without having to go distant
eouting for it by any natural order, which further
snowballs into the over-usage of the currency,
distantly so making the true currency: royal access
and reputation be in total absense.

Value of the paper currency sure increased due
to the deprivation of own group from forming and
strengthening for the royals and nobles, and many
got the benefit from the expenses at the noble folks
here, that's where their sudden rise of wealth came from.


The greedy and thiefery ones arrive out if
non-upbeat or upright environments aka
social conditions.

While the righteous come from the healthy
social environments, such as large festivals
or family meetings at the park for bbq and play.

We can gather from there that to end the thiefery
ones from being spawned, turning off the valve
of the particular 形式 producing such, would do.

智障的现代 intellectual monsterosity 越来越多。They be polluting the social environment at minimum.

Judging by how confidantly act their nonsenses reveal how well-sized they are, and that there are likely their members in the courts.

Standard might had been slowly overtime chipped away and sunken lower by them, these are softies, defects, and are far below how a normal human looks like.

We've entered the 3rd phrase of the defect humanoid development – the beloved 90s generation sees a very high proportion of autistic kids and intellectual monsters.

From how proficient they operate at those closed-door medium we see that one: must've been quite experienced with lurking and are romanticly e-tuned with it, and two: these entities are far off of weaker version of normal folks, but rather are an entire different specie, an alien composition form, in addition rather goes daring phony with it dishonesting around their actual identity which in least terms it was done on purpose.

Out of the encyclo list of spells, the viking types are the often wide known.  Their abilities at max aren`t of slight potency, and on the terror chart they are at the very bottom.  Though somehow it`s became the boogeyman spell, which tells us and in perfect synergy-match with the prophecy: there ich dark sources and abyssal taints around.  Adaptations to this rule may be seldom in reality though some reserve notion sure gives benefits and takes none away, not expensy (expensive-y).  Cursers, users of the one type of spell: curse, leave the body ìntact` which are often shoned as a bragging for them perportraitors, only to lesser atunned minds or durnken state minds so to speaks that is, though of reality deals 0 damage on the physical side, but a lot more than any viking`s strikes (abilities) on the spiritual, or mortal side.  Though the body and the person `may still be there`, in some ways, the person is already dissapeared due to the purple or dark colored curse.
(section typed on keyboard device, yes on now keyboard)

Curse doesn`t necessarily eat the person, but leaves the body dry, remaining.

Those types of attack begin on the inside, passing through the exterior flesh, the clothes first.

Their noise level plus the leaving of body as a walking hollow (zombie shell) combined with the quietness of its hits have served as its reduction on attention-grabby from the guards, drawing alarms from there, lessening on the provokative toned.

Everytime someone does something, efficiency goes as quiet as digestion of molecules: hardly hearable, or be noticed by plugging to the yelling level of frequency of sound levels, certainly not, aye.

The real game learns more toward the efficiency side, shares a larger distribution of weight of points thereon than on the more apparant, apperance and surface side: the `competition itself`.

Life being a contest to itself follows this principle as all other contests.

After age of 28, usually the competition of life, with all discrepancies and incoherancies and such aside, is already a game of efficiency.  He who focused on gains or the `competition itself` and played on the efficient side poorly already ain`t at the top anymore.

The efficient side can be performed by someone for very long time without strategic awareness.  Once the person receives the teaching of it, having bought to the strategic knowing, the concious would direct his scheduling, ways and such to enhenced plains.

Someone without efficiency would out-perform others in the few firsts (the few early on), then later on for some magical reason appears that others all seem to cheat.  Perhaps they did cheat, but it`s also likely that the person laughed too early perhaps as well.

World, being a part of the universe, follows the rule of duality.  The law of gravity is a silly and toy-ish topic that gives little actual strength in the course of one`s life.  Ultimately time will finish the cycle and the true-er idea will emerge out of water.

Like everything else, contests too share the trait, and follows the principle of duality: there is two side to every competition: the surface world, and the underneath world.  There is much more to the seen than unseen quite at times.  Some think there is light, when in reality everyone is in eternal darkness.

To every attribute which be presented-ta at the front, there is the cost side.

Someone with higher performance high cost may somehow slip down to someone with average performance and ultra low cost.  By the time of the other low cost candidate reaching consecutive championship, the high cost higher performaner unless realized would be totally defundled at the new appearance.

Interestingly, all of this reach again to the nevertheless inevitable asymptomte: measurement of one`s arrogance is measurement of one`s true strength: though may be hard to measure, that something is.  And shouldn`t be measured, but peddled near the pond, swoop, galop, off the to sun.

From surfaceworld and underworld we arrived to effiency and performance (power level), now we came to the level of arrogance, the mirror image to capacity to handle disbeliefs, which ich perhaps the true meaning of toughness, or the word itself.

  • Lest  we  forget  Louis  IX
  • Our  mission  is  not  to  frieghten  the  vile  amass, but  to  wipe  out  their  existence.
Allies under their spell, perhaps that is possible.
Scattered are the data out there.  Hardly any
painting or beautiful or even ugly picture could
remotely arrive out of the data set of the people`s
reactions and phrases, including some of the
average talented genuins good folks, though
for us elders and talented artists, their composure
is kept, their bodies are maintainced, checked,
in balance, and clarity of thoughts.

From those noise-filled data set, left arrow
that is right may still be the wrong arrow,
as its behind-working is of differentiality,
not bigger or smaller, earlier or later, faster
or slower, but of differented essence, thus
are of no use.  We need right way-arrived
to right points then we say: ok that is a 
data set worth examine. Though seldomly
(not ever) are the radar-surveryed gathering
of people`s replies or concerns, reactions or
jammers of any close proximity, of grade-passed

If that can`t be done, then the possiblity of
ever finding out whether it was spell they
in or due to allergic reaction which it unspeaks
near its shoulder area or something similar becomes
unreachable, pardon becomes 0.  Yes then
that would cannot be done, and nature places
things right: this cannot be done thing doesn`t
fundamental any.  It`s a hairy matter, on the side.
While broad things, their principels and lessons can
be found near every corner of landscapes.

And about that earlier mentioned possiblity, still
possible, except increased difficulty, and certainly
became unworthy of cost sometimes (for achieving
answer alone-alone, than achieving answer
plus experiencing the course of that adventure
and so on, though this stuff rarily gets mentioned; 
become onto the literal side).  In addition, some accuracy
could be obtained, but to achieve that super
perfect-perfect obtainamaship, would be asking
for calculating the current motion of an orbitting
electron around the most toppest atom on this silicon chip
right now.

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