

Friday 24 April 2015

Opinion 97

Spirits do exist, and run this world, as many re-occuring events proven.

If a couple ain't in synchro but mates, they end up breeding for the enemy.

Mythology will prevail above this devil-weave of an imposter called science.

Science has bought us oil spills, wars, garbage dumps, desertfication, ozone layer depletion and more.  Yet its cultist supports would suggest computers to be their making, when the designers are all of our guys.

It is indeed sheeple amass that rule this world.

To find out who rules, simply check which group we are not allowed to critisize, and sheeple amass are the least can-be critisized.

Not one media outlet has condemned this menace. While we see things said about Madonna, or vigurous shouting on Kissinger.  The closest any media group has gotten is the term zombies — if anything an downplay and a compliment as well ah.

Trusts repeatedly get given to those cancers laying in wake.  Suppose the governments told anyone once, then none of the folks would've bothered to approach or offer the friendship.

Laws and bounce mechanism needs to be in place, as the dust won't mop itself neither would a foul detect and correct on its own – or can it be waited for sheeple amass this vile cancer to develop into something better by themselves, ha.

Viciousness of the fictious depiction about angry marauders or man-eating big cats never come close to that of the sheeple menace.

Any one filled with too much hate is technically a lost soul, an insolent lost child with very foul personality, stuck between heaven and physical world, tumoiling and homeless in spirit (or de-spirit).  It is up for the normal living creatures to duty-lize this one.  An external force to push it out is needed, or inertia prevails, and the sheeple cancer would continuously wield its welfare-given police protection as a weapons, sees the damage caused like a skill, never realize those reasoning are that of psychopath, and the true cops' reaction are due to their weakness.

Today's difficulty in getting rid of this menace has to do with how enlarged they are: 98% ownership of world's cellphones, 79% of world's mid-sized sudan.

Each of them ought to be taught that the psychopaths isn't one without as great of a logic as the righteous folks, but that the psychopaths tend to have perfect and better sounding logic.

One more thing, beware of the sheeple menace's fake acting of combatting with a scout and pose that as if the entire enemy it is.  This telepathetic communicated scout seek to evade attention on the true size which is a sheer engulfing size really, at same time be letting the battle be 1 on 1, and would nudge things to that merit as well as so to leave to that positioning, be speaking in ways that would leave those impressions.  We can gather from here the principle that although on that fight the non-sheeple has won, hidden number got unseen, this entity wasn't marked as a disguised agent, a scout of this engulfing number of identicalis menaces, which changes the story quite a bit, and the actual result as well.

Them being the egotists, best way to fight them is by dampening down on the ego flame, than to ever enflame it.  Turns out, the more true cops chase after them, the more these maniacs see self as some sort's suppressed victim (the more toy gets touched, the more it fights back, a behavior of itself).  Those delusions of theirs are often very reasonablely sounding, and these entities seem to be stuck in that fantasy realm of theirs, making them maniacs by this alone already.

They will approach and anaethetic spray, painting an all-things-fine picture upon an official's visit, when the ones doing it are likely the ones that striked others quite a few times before, and they know it well deepdown inside.  This effectively makes them whether white-eyed or red-eyed crazeds.

The sheeple amass runs false assumptions.  They use their own thought habits to evaluate their enemy's status, merits, behaviors and the lot.  As an example: because themselves would always protest and object when they are slightly pushed around and over-taxed, the missing open protests from our guys generate the belief, not just guess, in them that they must be hella behind schedule, therefrom henceward, their spike attacks on our guys become justified, also plus with their belief that we too do their tricks on others like themselves.

Being quite mediocre and a slight underperformer, individually that is, gives them the natural advantage of being unseen, dismissed or not looked at.  This feature becomes especially true considering their not so attractive looks.  How often has the obsession and focus all been on Madonna, whether hate, jealoisy of love, while dismissive eye surpass above the heads of those ugly-looking vile sheepies.

(a slight note: interferrence breached during writing,
some parts became two parts jointed than one
single breath typed)

A minor addition:
    As for how come the sheeple amass rarily awake from their delusions, here are the couple main reasons:  they check whether they are wrong, though seldomly done if ever, by checking if they are wrong, which is in ways of testing for inlogicality, when the real method is by examining events have occured from a grand view, such as finding anamolies or unexpectations: glitches.  Sheeple amass do it like math questions: a fill-up guess work to an advanced math problem can always seem right, and the pain system would be unreliable to read from, yet these entitites so arrogantly rely on that way without much doubt.  In other words, the sheeple menace check whether their delusions has any flaws by running a flawed checking system, and without a checking system on that checking system.  Oh hey, nature repeats, this reminds us of how organizations can go corrupt.
    They do not see that the psychopaths always have greater logic than all of the normal folks. Yes, it is not psychopaths with false logic, but rather with even true-er logic.  This, surely, the sheeple amass do not see.
    Sheeple amass verify or question their doing dismissively and checks by asking a question that carries premise that already assumes the everything to be true, then might as well haven't starten.
    Being unmastered in any arts almost, fairly mediocre individually, inliterate in science, technology fields or celluar biology and such add to the delusions.  It's very easy for those levels to assume that everyone else must've cheated, for themselves simply do not have concrete of an idea, and all infos they gathered likely come from stalking movies and shows, which tend to be a bait info than actual-actual authentic, though would get taken super seriously as real data (as were posed as so quite oftenly, yes) for these society bottom smoochers. 
     And having lived whole life on constant chase, trying to keep up with others (the supposed mainsteam, their assumptions of others, technology and us), which involved desperately shortening algorithm, trading selling or cutting reserves, abandoning moral upkeeps, sheeple vile aggressives simply never had the time to wait for anything, let alone to do something as wait-y (contridict to appeal as a reasonable task) as checking would seem.
(the more so innocent kind (unkind) of sheeple menace amass herein mentioned, yes)


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