

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Opinion 96

additional tags:  cerebral 2-legs,  typing smoothly, situp position,  situation report,  venomous, softie-absurdity, those laze-habited, incoherantly built, on-risk-ers, the shoulda been rid-offs,  zergs will be happy

  • The sheeple infestation crisis will require drastic measures
  • being a decepticon type as they are, when one preceives they are doing well, in reality double-check is mandatory in the standard protocol for dealing with
  • 1990 generation consist of majority foul parentshood, and broodlings of various factions and outskirt elected peasantosahs
  • delay, siphon, distraction, emotion-ping, any exploitation of state-welfare, whether in direct welfare, or in invisible form such as edu (english-communication lessons) and police protection, these unquantifiable entities without a merit will use
  • as with any delay spells, not much pain sensation is felt upon the ghost mosquito's landing, and when combined with an dramatized event aboveneath, detection becomes difficult especially when it's done in sneaky crowd formation
  • one way of course to counter this type of enemy would be to doubt everything from them: all truths plus facts
  • 我们想象存在的帝国和人民已经不存在了
  • distracting our folks often with several random-based pressure-y underneath a drama event or two draws less attention on looking elsewhere.  They will exit the aggression, and be endingn it with some mimiked procedure words (sin-tax), once the patient has shown thinking that the zergs approve.
  • problem arises when they have too much power, then with the current much enlarged economic presence, streets effectively get taken over through their sheer risk-taking passive-aggression
  • using police protection as a threatening tool is a long-life career of theirs, and a key specialization

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