

Sunday 19 April 2015

Opinion 93

The are various methods indeed to 解决 the overpopulation hidden amass 方案。

Their existence is foul, as with them functioning, together with the tremendous number which is often neglected in calculation by roothenchild dictators, things get morphed with their nonsense tentacle-filled half-ling butcher hands.

Wish the tremendously large numbered peasants were indeed tentackles actually, as that would be a proper opponent. Instead they are being some non-like.

Today the consumer base has one after the other sector shifted to catering this uniquely identical yet ever posing different common peasant cancer tumour growth population that we so delightly called "people".

Their number is simply too large to use conventional methods, so to speaka, yeh.

With their sheer economic presence, this large composition of below-intellectual (fool not, they are not lesser smart, but rather smarter in vile, thus the empty in natural areas) form a solid base of consumer customer size.  This fleshy pink yet dark tumour has taken everybody else, pushed them to further minority while self became a majority blob that keeps growing, some goo, and keeping the looks of being behind.

Things are divided by alligeance of the spirit.

The spirits 浮水在 various physical forms de 上面。

A proper picture of the righteous spiritual alligeance would be: people, pandas, bears, hawks, frogs, chipmunks and more.  If have picture of people then more people then more people, then that's vile-humanoids' engulfed at sametime hijacked picture of a society.

(Psalm 11:3)
Nature is intertwined, ever twisted meadow, hahahahaha.

Being arrogance leads to frail-up at the battles,
(in versuses lesser arrogant opponent, per usual)
while being completely not arrogant may
not give the chance to frail-up.

(many information and details unposted on here,
there are near infinite new details to tell and mention)

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