

Saturday 4 April 2015

Opinoin 83

Yes Henry, status report: the sheeple viles have gotten
so much power that they've began passive-preaching
through replies and all on the real police that they
should "keep self-control" - control from serving
justice and fulfilling duty as a citizen and an officer

With a swamp, comes with a different sets of
weeds, different sets of frogs, different sets
of planktons, and a different world.

Similariy, a society that operates on different
fundamental energy: dread (greed) instead of
joy means a total different society, no matter
the name and title inproper placements.

The number of disease popping out
from the swamp environment would
be as many as the verses of righteous
energy - far many to track or list;
describe 'em all.

One of the symptom of reversed
effect in career nowadays we see
is how the sudden grabbing onto
the golden coins (paper currencies)
naturally give the pulse to many
citizens to work more than needed
so to "make up" for the values
and this "golden" chance of finally
being paid for the work & assignment
they called for, got.  Suppose
Roothenchild had actually thought
about this, this portion would've
been managed a whole lot better.
In precisely speaking, the opportunity
to get paid for doing work wouldn't
be a golden opportunity had
the earlier suffucation and strangle-hold
never took place, at that excessive
amount.  Now the final result
of all this is perhaps an effect
that stood invisible until recent
decades though began in turbodrive
since the very beginning: math
teachers doing more than needed
to justify the gain.  English teacher
putting out more sweat than necessarily
upbeating the quality for the same
desire.  With all subjects' teachers
doing the same simutaneously, the
burden to the students are they the
donkey being driven now, by 6
different masters simutaneously at once
without each other's realization of others'
existence, nor own.

Folks looking like got their holiness removed
naturally invites energized thiefs.

Same goes for de-architectured buildings,
whether stores, malls or parks.

John & Smithberg's Charter of Labour Statistics

 Super Rare

[] Applicable to life, social studies, economics, mnenomics,
sociology and more.

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