

Sunday 5 April 2015

Elected Peasant Amass

Effectively every historical crisis civilizations and
its founders had to deal with can be traced
back to the sheeple masses.

These biological creatures aren't smart type
or smaller/weaker type such as chipmunks,
or hurly like rhinos but are the special
type, got psychic powers.

The gentle caring sheeples dare pointing
at big fishes labelling them as sharks
while themselves got the sharpest
teeth: steel-knife sharp in this world.

Their members are identical, and their
dramas are filled with crowd-level

Roothenchilds, these liberalism
enlightenment intelligent fools
had effectively boosted their
powers by 500 times and numbers
by 45-78 multiples of the original.
Sheeples have been doing nothing
but playing a drama to be paid
by the roothenchild banking socio
structure – paid like royals as if.

Today, in what areas do these elected
peasant amass lack compared to royal
families' privileges, if anything it's
overall lesser if we count in harassment
potentialis and political figure head
associated dangers.

What used to be worried and weaker
sheeple passive-aggressives have laid
broodlings (a new generation type) in the new decade
which are enhenced and evolved sheeple
humanoid types.

These what effectively can be named
as traitors of the human race will
wreck havoc, plan plots, betray at troubled
times, and other infinite hideous acts
a traitors would commit.

Those slimey urchins, the newer generations
of elected peasants are even further professional
career leeches, whose only dream is to
fake and cheat, as if their life owes to it,
and as though their most fond memory
was that successful looting, done so
via group-conspired style self-acted
(soloism) dramatization probably.

These 1990 generation types of sheeple
elected peasant amass will be much more
confidant of their broodling parent generation
at hogging corporation cash fountains, using
intimidations to squeeze others out, while sweet
word mimikeries be used throughout the way.

Sheeples used to be concerned or fearful
of their deeds.  Today they send deliveries in
confidance, as if so certain that there
would be no trouble of any ever, as if
they have guys at the courts whom
are their affiliates, their fellow identical
global-sized passive-aggressionist
gang members, assured at the very
certain level.

To dege is essentially to rob.
Such types of behavior will be
soluted by means upto and including
several legal measures.

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