

Friday, 4 July 2014

Address on Sheeple Fiends Junk Humanoids

  • This is kind've the century with the largest sheeple deposits
  • The environment may be ruined, the social climate may be polluted, the moral values may be forgotten, but one thing for sure will always be there: junk humans
  • The population of junktard humanoids has never been bigger in the history of civilizations
  • A relentless assault  (the behavior/habit of relentless gamble-y zergetry swarming) from these broodling amass spells tyranny and ugly taint for those that witness, and unsequenting thrist to revenge for those that personally experience
  • Their current ongoing treatment of "equality" effectively gives them a 85% resource gain, and a -85% on our side, which perfectly explains their rather very rapid rise

- We wish to see hospitals start putting a bar on these zombies from making entry
- The education system too should begin consider more of a restrictive access
- Local businesses, store owners, sales personnels will now have the ability to deny anyone from entry below Class-Z ID certifications

Through a joint effort via economy, social, and political deprivations and sanctions, we'll see whether these fiends can even afford to do any more sinistry fiendish trickeries.  Let these broods starve under the sun, heil Hitler!

(additionally: combined with clever use of media, our security groups will give them a rather amusing, and discriminatory time, they will be dealt with extreme prejudice) 


Additional Tags: {they won't know what hit them {they don't stand a chance,   fiends, sheeples, sheeple roac hes, insect humans,  junk humanoids, foul humanoid types,   hospital, cheat pills, medicines,  nanny system, welfare chair,  welfare college jobs, positions, graduates,  social status,  abnormalty,  upside down,  disorder,  upside down pyramid,  pyramid scheme,  depotism,  tiers,  class warfare,  mass confusion,   militant groups,  secretcy,  plot,  diploma,  visit,  dialogue,    quarantine,  surpression,  deprivation, military state,

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