

Thursday 10 July 2014

Ways of the Sheeple Amass

Republic of Ohio State Justice Agency

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- using wars, events, conflicts, whatever they could find to enlarge their importance, consolidating their all-one-gets position of buffet dominance over all other candidates (creatures like lizard, dolphins, horses, chimps, pigeons, robins, racoons, chipmunks and etc, the list goes on and on)

- deliberately blocking streets under the guise of peaceful protest, to achieve several pre-medidated goals, including but not limited to:

  • sending a shock and annoyance sight to mayors and leaders to disturb their thinking flow and overall composition
  • voodoo curse the outcome of events and major decisions from the high office
  • to rot and delay, to waste time of all observers
  • to push further into dominance (back in days of knights, all of these would've been beaten up or having their house burned down or stacks of restrictions from the public thereafter, all of which would hurt them enough so they wouldn't act so unless desperate), showing the world that they rule the streets, that they are boss, and these are the new warrior class - the most important in society
  • depleting and draining attention to things on false basis (basis such as how absolute sure reasonable it is how well they are treated, and it's right to preceive as our equal or lesser version of us)
- waves upon waves of similar acts are coming, as one reason is: all of these protests and drama from these sheeple-roaches come at nearly cost of nothing (at effectively zero cost, in other words), as their learnedfulness come from TV welfare and movie welfare, while the calorie and energy side come from high class goods like restaurant food, western catering and etc.

- these defect humans had chosen to be a permanent skipper of life; aka cheater: they will attempt to cheat by calling others cheat, be loosly using the word to such a degree of overusage that the word cheat loses all meaning

- as a permanent cheater, sheeple-roaches work just as hard at doing rediculistic things as we work and learn
- most had thought about "strategies" overnight, which are cheating strategies, and arrived to these ones: purposely speaking out about suffering when not suffering or being estatic, when outside, a face of discontent or regular is purposely put to hide the vast fortune feeling inside
- within any intelligent person's expectation, these would devote all energy and focus to bring about "success" of these narrow-shorted ways - to ensure a perfect performance of cheat.  So while we work and spend 80 units of effort, these spend also 80 units of effort, around so, to complete their "work"

Here are several sheeple lines they oftenly use, and likely each of us has heard at least once: (some slightly far distant related) (contains sensitive sceneries, viewer discretion is advised) (and also by the way: in utter mimikery tongue, not movie-line quality proper attractive pronounciations, which, yes, the fonts do well in hiding that here)
"parents get mad getting only a B"
"asians are good at math"
"this clothing is expensive"
"damn iPhone"
"I wrecked my car"
"I had a car accident"
"why would u want to buy a Honda"

The above listed is what I can come up right now so far,
it goes to perfectly reveal the nature of these sheeple tumour amass,
and their advanced level of skill in mimikery.
The above listed contridicts with their actual status and abilities.
By the sound of their words, a strong chance that these are really
lords who created this country and all the industries being discontent mood, does seem to exist.
While they mighty satisfied on the inside, being handed government gifts of tremendous jokish levels, these keep on expertising into field of skillful mimikery, a slimey discipline (also high illegal), pretending suffering so to gain more - as they think would work in the long run and is "worth a try".  What more can I say other than the judgement: Sheepleroaches, your days are marked.

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